Changes on quality parameters and sensory attributes of the Patagonian red octopus (Enteroctopus megalocyathus) meat under different postharvest treatments
Post-capture quality, octopus, artisanal fishing, acetic acid, quality parameters, sensory attributesAbstract
Enteroctopus megalocyathus is an important commercial resource harvested by small-scale fisheries from Argentina and Chile, with limited access to cooling preservation methods. In this sense, the use of alternative postharvest conservation methods could be useful to preserve the good quality of the raw product. The effect of postharvest treatments using seawater immersion, flaked ice, 0.1% acetic acid, and a control was investigated on raw octopus during storage at 4 °C for seven days. Under these treatments, changes in physical, chemical, microbiological parameters and sensory attributes were evaluated. Results showed that for control and seawater treatments, octopus became unacceptable at the third day. Ice and 0.1% acetic acid treatments exhibited better physical, chemical and microbiological quality parameters along the storage days. Based on sensory attributes, octopus meat immersed in 0.1% acetic acid remained within the limits of acceptability until the fifth day, while the ice treatment extended the initial quality at least for seven days. Thus, 0.1% acetic acid would become an economical and easily applicable method during postharvest handling of E. megalocyathus fishery.
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