Scope and Objectives

Marine & Fishery Sciences (MAFIS) is an Open Access, charge-free journal edited by the Instituto Nacional de InvestigaciĆ³n y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP) that publishes original peer-reviewed articles in Spanish and English. It is published four times a year (January, April, July and October) aiming all work and studies on applied or scientific research in marine, coastal and brackish waters, such as Fisheries, Aquaculture, Biology, Ecology, Biodiversity, Oceanography, Coastal Management, Ecosystems, as well as their social-related aspects that directly or indirectly affect to human populations, including conservation and environmental impact at a regional level. Freshwater content is restricted to Fisheries and Aquaculture Production only. Studies in freshwater (such as biology, growth, nutrition, health, etc.) that do not integrate the two previously mentioned will not be considered. The quality of the journal is guaranteed by the Editorial Board, consisting of renowned researchers in the field of marine sciences.

Its Mission is to become a platform with high-quality scientific content from authors from different parts of the Americas, available free to the community, to contribute to human development and aquatic sciences.