Effects of sodium metabisulfite on the activity and protease composition of the enzymatic extracts of Argentine red shrimp Pleoticus muelleri
Enzyme inhibition, shrimp, sodium metabisulfite, proteases.Abstract
The markets to which the Pleoticus muelleri Argentine red shrimp is exported require a product without the presence of melanosis. The preservative used in this species is sodium metabisulfite (MBS). So far, the effects that they could have on Argentine red shrimp proteases have not been studied. In this work, it is proposed to evaluate the effect of MBS on the activity and protease composition of the enzymatic extracts of P. muelleri. The acid and alkaline protease activity was determined, as well as the enzyme composition of the enzymatic extracts of Argentine red shrimps treated and untreated with MBS. Those extracts treated with MBS produced a significant reduction in protease activity (around 80%), both acidic and alkaline. In turn, the aspartic enzymes reduced their activity while the cysteine and serine enzymes of the trypsin type predominated. The enzyme extracts of P. muelleri treated with MBS show a reduction in protease activity and changes in their enzymatic composition, but still constitute a source of enzymes with the potential to be used for different biotechnological purposes.
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