An observational analysis of the eastern tropical Pacific Shallow Meridional Circulation using YOTC data and pilot balloons from Isla del Coco, Costa Rica
Low-level atmosphere, Hadley circulation cell, Ekman pumping, ERA5, Central America, pilot balloons, Chocó regionAbstract
The low-level circulation of the atmosphere over Isla del Coco has been studied and the presence of a northerly wind at low levels of the atmosphere in the eastern tropical Pacific, in addition to the deep Hadley circulation cell, has been confirmed. Using data from pilot balloons (May 1997 through January 1999, October 2007 through April 2008), the northern flow is between 1 and 5 km high, depending on the time of year, with a maximum speed located between 2 and 3 km above the surface. The generating mechanism of the surface return flow in the Hadley circulation cell has been formulated as a sea breeze, Ekman pumping of the boundary layer, and it could even be a response to the Rossby wave generated by warming in the Chocó region. These results agree with those obtained from the ERA5 reanalysis (January 1979 through December 2020), which show that the southern return cell varies in position and height during the course of the year, with a poorly organized circulation in March and strengthening from July to February. The incorporation of data of low, medium and high cloud cover from Year of the Tropical Convection (boreal summer 2009) evidenced the presence of high-level clouds in the ITCZ region and low-level clouds to the south of the ITCZ, latitudes where the south surface circulation cell is located.
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