Economic benefits from ecosystem services of the Seamounts Management Marine Area (AMM MS), Costa Rica
Artisanal fishing, conservation, marine environment, Cocos Island, cluster, fishing, sport fishingAbstract
The Seamounts Management Marine Area (AMM MS, for its acronym in Spanish) provides ecosystem services that are exploited by humans through activities such as sport and tourism fishing, and longline fishing. This research aims to bring these economic benefits that are possible thanks to the existence, status and conservation of AMM MS. The benefits are quantified by the cluster and value chain methodologies, which identifies not only the activities that are carried out directly in the area, but also those that work as support activities. Among the main results, four clusters were identified: research and education, management, leisure and spiritual experience, and economic activities. The first and third can be classified within cultural ecosystem services, and the fourth within provision. However, provision services are those that allow the development of economic activities, providing an annual economic contribution of USD 21,001,137 in the case of sport and tourist fishing, and USD 10,572,644 for longline fishing. For this reason, it can be indicated that some of the ecosystem services provided by the AMM MS generate a total of USD 31,573,781 annually.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Keylin Jiménez Elizondo, Mary Luz Moreno Díaz

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