Temporal evolution of diversity, abundance and structure of the coastal fish assemblage in ‘El Rincón’ area (39° S-41° 30′ S), Argentina
Argentine continental shelf, coastal zone, biodiversity, densityAbstract
‘El Rincón’ area (39° S-41° 30′ S) is a highly complex system, of relevance as a reproductive and nursery area for numerous species subject to various fisheries management measures. The objective of this study was to evaluate the temporal evolution of the coastal fish assemblage in the area. We analyzed 591 fishing hauls and oceanographic stations during 1994-2012 based on fish density, diversity and assemblage structure, evaluating interannual differences and their relationship with oceanographic variables. Seventy species of coastal fish were recorded, eleven of them responsible for the differences in assemblages between years. Most notable results were the decreasing trend in fish density, as well as the positive relationship between density and bottom temperature. This work is relevant as a baseline of the evolution of the coastal fish assemblage, together with an exhaustive characterization of the biological and physical dynamics of the region over a period of almost two decades. Results obtained are of importance for the management of coastal resources, future studies framed in the global climate change paradigm and evaluation of the anthropic impact on this coastal ecosystem of the Southwest Atlantic that provides numerous ecosystem services.
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