Shore-based competitive recreational fisheries in southern Bahia, Brazil: a baseline study
Angling, recreational fishery, sport fishing, shore-based fisheries, tournament, northeastern BrazilAbstract
This study describes shore-based competitive fishing events in Ilhéus, southern Bahia (Brazil), including catch composition, and provides information on the profile of recreational fishers participating in these events. Information was collected in all events promoted by the Clube de Pesca de Ilhéus (CLUPESIL) in 2007-2008. A total of 26 competitive fishing events were organized during this period, with 47 species caught. The top species were: Cathorops spixii, Menticirrhus littoralis, Trachinotus goodei, Eucinostomus melanopterus, Polydactylus virginicus, Atherinella brasiliensis, and Eucinostomus argenteus. These seven species represented 87% of the total catch in number and 78% in weight. Menticirrhus littoralis and Polydactylus virginicus are species of commercial interest and their catch was dominated by juveniles. Local recreational fishers were predominately middle-aged men, who tended to use small hooks and mainly shrimp as bait. They were consumption-oriented, but also released small fishes. During competitions, fishers used even smaller hooks. Most of them perceived shrimp trawling as the main factor affecting recreational fisheries. The use of larger hooks and a minimum fish size of 20 cm are suggested to decrease the capture of juveniles, mainly those species of commercial importance. This study sets a baseline from which new studies can be proposed to access the current status of local recreational fisheries.
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