Distribution, yields and reproductive condition of pink cusk-eel (Genypterus blacodes) in the Argentine shelf (43° S-48° S) in winter and summer between 2000-2012
Southwest Atlantic, length structure, spatial distributionAbstract
In this study, length structure, reproductive condition and yields of ling (Genypterus blacodes) in the reproductive area of the species (43° S-48° S) between winter and summer were compared. Data were collected during research surveys conducted between 2000-2012. Length structure, sex and juvenile proportions, reproductive status and yields in both seasons were analyzed. In winter, the population was characterized by juveniles. Areas of aggregation of individuals were not evident, and the dominant reproductive condition was immature. However, there was a size segregation as a function of depth, with smallest individuals mainly in shallow waters and the largest at greater depths. In summer, an increase in the proportion of adults aggregated between 45° S-48° S was observed, most of them reproductively active and with a significant proportion of spawning females in the 45° 30' S and 47° 30' S sector, indicating the presence of a spawning area. There was a drop in average yields in both seasons, although this was more pronounced in the winter months and was accompanied by a sharp reduction in the observed maximum size observed, which could be due to factors related to the environment or be a consequence of fishing activity.
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