Illustrated checklist of Anguilliformes (Pisces, Teleostei) of the lagoon of Mayotte (West Indian Ocean) with 14 new records
Undescribed species, Updated distribution range, Identification method, Moray eels, Underestimated biodiversityAbstract
The Anguilliformes of Mayotte (French island of the Comoros Archipelago) remain poorly surveyed and poorly known so far. This paper deals with the diversity of the Order Actinopterygii of the lagoon of Mayotte by combining literature data, my own underwater visual censuses, and records from other divers. Most species were identified by in situ photographs. A total of 47 species were listed in detail with picture plates, including 14 species not previously mentioned for the lagoon of Mayotte. This paper shows that the use of citizen science, by providing pictures of observed species, has enormous potential to improve our understanding of the species community from an insufficiently surveyed region
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