Feeding of flatfish Cyclopsetta querna and Syacium latifrons on the coast of Jalisco and Colima, Mexico


  • Mirella Saucedo Lozano Departamento de Estudios para el Desarrollo Sustentable de Zonas Costeras, Centro Universitario de la Costa Sur, Universidad de Guadalajara, Gómez Farías #82, 48980 - San Patricio-Melaque, México
  • Luz E. Rodrigez Ibarra Centro de Investigación en Alimentos y Desarrollo, A .C. Sábalo Cerritos s/n, 82010 A.P. 711 - Mazatlán, México
  • Victor Landa Jaime Departamento de Estudios para el Desarrollo Sustentable de Zonas Costeras, Centro Universitario de la Costa Sur, Universidad de Guadalajara, Gómez Farías #82, 48980 - San Patricio-Melaque, México
  • Irma I. Guerrero Saucedo Sistema de Educación Media Superior, Escuela Preparatoria De Tonalá, Universidad de Guadalajara, Calle Independencia Nº 232, 45400 - Colonia Centro Tonalá, México
  • Jesús Emilio Michel-Morfín Departamento de Ecología Aplicada




Flatfish, trophodynamic, continental shelf, Eastern tropical Pacific


Flatfish are important components of shrimp fisheries bycatch. The purpose of this study was to analyze feeding habits of Cyclopsetta querna and Syacium latifrons, with the aim of expanding the biological knowledge of these species. Specimens were collected in seven sampling stations with shrimp trawl nets. Stomachs of 196 individuals of C. querna and 313 of S. latifrons were analyzed. The trophic spectrum of C. querna consisted of 12 food components, while 24 were recorded for S. latifrons. The main prey for C. querna were fish, while for S. latifrons it was crustaceans, such as stomatopods. A slight ontogenetic trophic variation was observed in C. querna, not so in S. latifrons; however, no differences were observed considering only the diet by sex. Diversity analyses of the food spectrum were less than 0.5 for both species. It is considered that in both species feeding is given mainly by the seasonal availability of resources and by the ability to capture prey. On the other hand, the coexistence of these species in the same area is due to the difference in the preferential consumption of prey hence reducing the competition for food.


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Author Biographies

  • Mirella Saucedo Lozano, Departamento de Estudios para el Desarrollo Sustentable de Zonas Costeras, Centro Universitario de la Costa Sur, Universidad de Guadalajara, Gómez Farías #82, 48980 - San Patricio-Melaque, México
  • Luz E. Rodrigez Ibarra, Centro de Investigación en Alimentos y Desarrollo, A .C. Sábalo Cerritos s/n, 82010 A.P. 711 - Mazatlán, México
  • Victor Landa Jaime, Departamento de Estudios para el Desarrollo Sustentable de Zonas Costeras, Centro Universitario de la Costa Sur, Universidad de Guadalajara, Gómez Farías #82, 48980 - San Patricio-Melaque, México
  • Irma I. Guerrero Saucedo, Sistema de Educación Media Superior, Escuela Preparatoria De Tonalá, Universidad de Guadalajara, Calle Independencia Nº 232, 45400 - Colonia Centro Tonalá, México
  • Jesús Emilio Michel-Morfín, Departamento de Ecología Aplicada


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How to Cite

Saucedo Lozano, M., Rodriguez Ibarra, L. E., Landa Jaime, V., Guerrero Saucedo, I. I., & Michel-Morfín, J. E. (2022). Feeding of flatfish Cyclopsetta querna and Syacium latifrons on the coast of Jalisco and Colima, Mexico. Marine and Fishery Sciences (MAFIS), 35(1), 81-102. https://doi.org/10.47193/mafis.3512022010110

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