Assessment of deep demersal fish fauna diversity of the Colombian Caribbean Sea
Colombian Caribbean, deep-fishes, records, soft-bottoms, species richnessAbstract
We compiled georeferenced records of deep demersal fishes from the Colombian Caribbean Sea in order to assess the level of survey coverage and geographic completeness of species richness inventories at a scale of 15 min by 15 min cells, in view of threats from fishing and oil and natural gas exploration. We identified a rich fauna with a minimum of 362 species registered. Areas with high observed and predicted species richness were identified. Survey coverage and geographic richness completeness resulted in being deficient with no cell reaching the status of well-sampled spatial unit, being 83% of the Colombian Caribbean Exclusive Economic Zone bottoms unexplored, particularly depths beyond 1,000 m. A plea is made for renewed survey efforts with a focus on the protection of the Colombian Caribbean deep-sea biota.
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