Ecological implications of unintentional aquaculture escapees: an overview of risks, remediation strategies and knowledge gaps in the aquaculture sector of India and riparian East African countries


  • Mahadevan Harikrishnan School of Industrial Fisheries, Cochin University of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 682022, Kerala, India
  • Fredrick Juma Syanya School of Industrial Fisheries, Cochin University of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 682022, Kerala, India - Government of Kenya, Ministry of Mining Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs, Kenya Fisheries Service, Kenya
  • A. R. Nikhila Khanna School of Industrial Fisheries, Cochin University of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 682022, Kerala, India
  • Paul Mumina Government of Kenya, Ministry of Mining Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs, Kenya Fisheries Service, Kenya
  • Wilson M. Mathia Government of Kenya, Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries, Department of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries, Vihiga County Government, Kenya



Aquaculture escapes, invasive species, fisheries policy, biodiversity, aquatic ecosystem, sustainable aquaculture


The global expansion of aquaculture has driven significant technological advancements, including raceways, Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture (IMTA) and marine offshore cages. However, unregulated aquaculture escapees pose a severe threat to aquatic biodiversity, acting as a potential time bomb for the entire ecosystem. Addressing this issue requires a comprehensive understanding of the impact of unintentional escapees on aquatic ecosystems, particularly in India and riparian East African countries (Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania). Using an exploratory research design drawing from various peer-reviewed sources, this study outlines the dynamic growth of aquaculture in these countries, identifies high-impact escape incidents, and correlates risks and remedies with global cases, especially in regions such as Norway, Scotland, Ireland, Colombia, and the United States, where serious incidents of aquaculture escapees have been reported. The research categorizes aquaculture development trends, discusses mechanisms of escapee impact, proposes remedies, assesses methods and inferential strength, and highlights gaps in the existing literature. The study revealed complex ecological shifts caused by aquaculture escapees from invasive non-native fish species, affecting predation, competition, and genetic diversity. Escaped fish from aquaculture facilities pose a significant threat to aquatic biodiversity, especially in the study regions. The escalating risk of unintentional escapes was highlighted in India and three East African countries. To mitigate this, the study proposes integrating escapee management into national fisheries systems, amending fisheries laws, holding fish farmers accountable for aquaculture system failure, and developing comprehensive regulations for non-native species in aquaculture within the study regions. It is recommended to standardize the planning for aquaculture facilities and implement emergency plans, training, local mobilization and further research on the impact thresholds of aquaculture escapees in the study regions. Ecological education in aquaculture communities and the recognition of the role of translational scientists are crucial for the dissemination of knowledge. Urgent government action is needed to address unreported aquaculture escapes, preventing further ecosystem degradation and ensuring global aquaculture sustainability.


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How to Cite

Harikrishnan, M., Syanya, F. J., Khanna, A. R. N., Mumina, P., & Mathia, W. M. (2024). Ecological implications of unintentional aquaculture escapees: an overview of risks, remediation strategies and knowledge gaps in the aquaculture sector of India and riparian East African countries. Marine and Fishery Sciences (MAFIS), 37(4), 633-666.

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