Climate change vulnerability, adaptation and ecosystem services in different fisheries and aquaculture in Asia: a review


  • Ahasan Habib Faculty of Fisheries and Food Science, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu 21030, Malaysia
  • Elaine Q. Borazon International Graduate Program of Education and Human Development (IGPEHD), College of Social Sciences, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung 804, Taiwan
  • Ivy M. Nallos Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences (FALS), Davao Oriental State University (DOrSU), 8200 - Mati City, Davao Oriental, Philippines
  • Edison Macusi Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences (FALS), Davao Oriental State University (DOrSU), 8200 - Mati City, Davao Oriental, Philippines



Systematic literature review, PRISMA, fisheries management, food security


This review aimed to discuss the vulnerability and climate change impacts on tropical fisheries in Asia using a systematic literature review. The study applied the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) to evaluate literature from 1990-2020. The results showed clustering of texts, keywords, and titles based on search terms like climate change, fisheries, and adaptation. High-scoring links revealed clusters: 1) climate change and food security, 2) biodiversity and environment protection, 3) conservation of resource, 4) climate change impacts in Asia, 5) fisheries. Abstracts and titles produced clusters on: 1) livelihood and food security, 2) fisheries catch, 3) stakeholder approaches, 4) Ecosystem services. While climate change dominated vulnerability and adaptation studies, it is only one of many stressors affecting fisheries and aquaculture. Adaptation is suggested as a solution for reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience in fishing communities. However, our findings indicate that the social and economic factors contributing to climate-induced vulnerability are still relatively neglected. Enhancing biodiversity and environmental protection can lead to a more productive and food-secure environment for farmers and fishers. It is crucial that interventions focus on adaptation and establishing science-based ‘adaptive fisheries co-management’ to engage fishing communities and address their broader vulnerabilities and aspirations.


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How to Cite

Habib, A., Borazon, E. Q., Nallos, I. M., & Macusi, E. (2025). Climate change vulnerability, adaptation and ecosystem services in different fisheries and aquaculture in Asia: a review. Marine and Fishery Sciences (MAFIS), 38(2), 311-330.

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