Maritime activities zoning under future development scenarios in Bolivar, Sucre and Cordoba departments, Colombia
Marine and coastal management, future development scenarios, allocation, co-location, aquaculture, offshore wind farm, submarine cablesAbstract
The maritime sector was negatively affected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus crisis. The supply of goods and services was impacted by restrictions to ship transportation, mandatory isolation periods, and border closures, among others. Considering this, the Marine and Coastal Management with a Marine Authority Vision, as a continuous and adaptative process, analyzed the effects on the aquaculture, offshore wind farms and submarine cables activities, defining two future scenarios of development projected for the year 2030. The above was carried out using the Allocation and Co-location Model proposed by DIMAR, which considered the percentage of growth, zoning of suitable areas, the compatibility/incompatibility analysis and the Prioritization Index for Decision Making (IPTD in Spanish) for the three uses. Results from this research suggest that aquaculture is conditionally incompatible with submarine cables and offshore wind farms and has the highest IPTD given its growth trend and representativeness within the study area. This analysis represents a step forward in the management processes of Colombian marine-coastal areas, which can be complemented and applied in other geographic areas depending on the information available and potential events that may occur.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Fernando Afanador Franco, María P. Molina Jiménez, Lady T. Pusquin Ospina, Nery S. Barrientos Porras, Carlos Banda Lepesquer, Iván Castro Mercado
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