Marine and Fishery sciences 38 (2): xxx-xxx (2025)
ABSTRACT. Shoreline erosion in the Province of Albay, Philippines, remains unmonitored, cre-
ating signicant vulnerability to natural and anthropogenic drivers. Effective monitoring of coastal
integrity is crucial to provide valuable insights into shoreline alterations that can guide future adapta-
tion measures and support climate resilience planning. This study aimed to assess shoreline alterations
over the past 20 years by examining natural and anthropogenic drivers shaping these changes and their
implications for coastal ecosystems. Erosive trends have resulted in the loss of up to 6 m of coastline
in certain places in the cities of Santo Domingo, Bacacay, Malilipot, Legazpi, and Tabaco. Findings
revealed that areas distant from river mouths exhibited severe erosion, while those near river mouths
showed mixed erosion and deposition patterns. Natural processes, including storm surges and sediment
transport, were compounded by human activities such as sand mining, urban expansion, and coastal
road constructions, resulting in the degradation, fragmentation and loss of vital coastal ecosystems.
These insights underscore the urgent need for systematic shoreline monitoring and the adoption of
sustainable coastal management practices, as well as integrating environmental considerations into
coastal development planning, enhancing community awareness, and leveraging monitoring data to
inform climate resilience and adaptation strategies tailored to local contexts.
Key words: Coastal erosion monitoring, shoreline alterations, sustainable coastal development, climate
resilience planning.
Análisis histórico de la línea costera en áreas seleccionadas de la costa este de Albay, Filipinas
RESUMEN. La erosión de la costa en la Provincia de Albay, Filipinas, sigue sin ser monitoreada,
lo que genera una vulnerabilidad signicativa a los factores naturales y antropogénicos. El monitoreo
efectivo de la integridad costera es crucial para proporcionar información valiosa sobre las alteracio-
nes de la costa que puedan orientar las futuras medidas de adaptación y respaldar la planicación de
la resiliencia climática. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar las alteraciones de la costa en los
últimos 20 años, examinando los factores naturales y antropogénicos que dan forma a estos cambios
y sus implicaciones para los ecosistemas costeros. Los resultados indicaron cambios signicativos
en la costa en las ciudades de Santo Domingo, Bacacay, Malilipot, Legazpi y Tabaco, donde las ten-
dencias erosivas han resultado en una pérdida de hasta 6 m de costa en algunas áreas. Los hallazgos
revelaron que las áreas distantes de las desembocaduras de los ríos exhibieron una erosión severa,
mientras que las cercanas a las desembocaduras de los ríos mostraron patrones mixtos de erosión y
deposición. Los procesos naturales, incluidas las mareas de tormenta y el transporte de sedimentos,
se vieron agravados por actividades humanas como la extracción de arena, la expansión urbana y
la construcción de carreteras costeras, lo que resultó en la degradación, fragmentación y pérdida de
ecosistemas costeros vitales. Estos conocimientos subrayan la necesidad urgente de un monitoreo
sistemático de las costas y la adopción de prácticas de gestión costera sostenible, así como de integrar
Historical shoreline analysis in selected areas on the east coast of Albay,
antonino B. Mendoza, Jr.*, Joshua K. B. Bista, sKorzeny c. de Jesus and María Luisa u. tango
Bicol University Tabaco Campus, Tabaco, Philippines. ORCID Antonino B. Mendoza, Jr. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0546-7614,
Joshua K. B. Bista https://orcid.org/0009-0001-1691-8487, María Luisa U. Tango https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3640-7163
Marine and
Fishery Sciences
Received: 21 October 2024
Accepted: 7 January 2025
ISSN 2683-7595 (print)
ISSN 2683-7951 (online)
Journal of the Instituto Nacional de
Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
International License
Marine and Fishery sciences 38 (2): xxx-xxx (2025)
The beaches of Albay, Philippines, are predom-
inantly composed of siliciclastic materials, largely
supplied by deposits from Mount Mayon. In con-
trast, coasts of island areas or villages or barrios
(barangays) are primarily composed of carbonate
reef materials, except in areas near river mouths.
Despite lava deposits from Mount Mayon and the
unique climatic and monsoonal inuences affect-
ing the eastern and western coasts of Albay, the
region generally benets from an abundant sup-
ply of sediments (Arguden 1989; Rodolfo and Ar-
guden 1991), which may exceed the capacity of
waves and currents to transport and redistribute
them. This natural surplus of sediments has also
limited the formation of well-established fring-
ing reefs along the mainland coastline of Albay
(Risk and Edinger 2011). However, the ongoing
development of coastal areas, driven by the expan-
sion of housing, commercial establishments and
road infrastructure, has disrupted natural coastal
processes such as erosion and accretion (He et
al. 2014; Huang 2022). These geomorphological
processes, though constant, have been overlooked,
particularly their potential impacts on built struc-
tures like dikes, seawalls, pavements, and residen-
tial and commercial buildings near the shore (Is-
mail and El-Sayed 2011; Hines et al. 2012; Huang
2022). Furthermore, coastal erosion remains poorly
documented and monitored in Albay, leaving its
implications for infrastructure and communities
underexplored (Angnuureng et al. 2023; Siringan
and Sta Maria 2024). This problem is exacerbat-
ed by the impact of intense quarrying activities in
the region, which signicantly impair the natural
supply of sediments to coastal areas that would
otherwise contribute to beach accretion, disrupt-
ing the delicate balance between sediment depo-
sition and erosion. As sediment supply diminishes,
coastal areas become more vulnerable to erosive
forces, exacerbating shoreline retreat and threat-
ening coastal habitats and infrastructure (Magooon
et al. 2001; Preoteasa et al. 2016; Vousdoukas et
al. 2020). This interplay between human activities
and natural processes highlights the urgent need
for effective sediment management and erosion
monitoring to mitigate long-term impacts on the
coastal stability of Albay. This lack of data hinders
informed planning and climate change adaptation
measures, which are critical in a region frequently
impacted by typhoons and monsoonal. Address-
ing these gaps requires a comprehensive approach
combining geomorphological data with sociolog-
ical insights to capture the multifaceted impacts
of coastal development. Effective monitoring of
coastal integrity is essential, as it provides valu-
able data on shoreline dynamics that can inform
future planning and the design of climate change
adaptation strategies. The inclusion of surveys and
interviews in this study allowed for integrating lo-
cal perceptions and experiences, providing critical
insights into how coastal changes and development
are perceived and managed by communities. Previ-
ous studies underscore the importance of commu-
nity engagement in coastal management to ensure
effective and inclusive adaptation strategies (Roca
and Villares 2012; Fletcher et al. 2014). Surveys
and interviews offer a means to capture this human
dimension, complementing physical data and en-
riching the overall analysis.
Thus, this study aimed to assess the geomorpho-
logical characteristics of the shoreline and socio-
logical factors inuencing the coastal development
consideraciones ambientales en la planicación del desarrollo costero, mejorar la conciencia de la comunidad y aprovechar los datos de
monitoreo para informar estrategias de resiliencia y adaptación climática adaptadas a los contextos locales.
Palabras clave: Monitoreo de la erosión costera, alteraciones de la línea de costa, desarrollo costero sostenible, planicación de la
resiliencia climática.
Mendoza et al.: shoreline analysis in albay 3
of Albay. It also evaluated the impacts of infra-
structure on erosion patterns, with the ultimate goal
of contributing to climate change adaptation poli-
cies and the development of comprehensive coastal
management plans tailored to the unique environ-
mental and socioeconomic context of Albay.
Study site
The east coast of Albay consists of two gulfs,
the Lagonoy Gulf and the Albay Gulf, and com-
prises two cities and ve municipalities. Study
areas were Malinao, Tabaco city, Bacacay, Santo
Domingo, and Legazpi city (Figure 1). These areas
have different coastal types, such as cliff coast,
intertidal/muddy coast, dune coast, and sandy
coast, as well as extractive and development ac-
tivities affecting the supply of sediment materials.
Malinao coastline is situated on a narrow coastal
plain, downstream from three active stratovolca-
noes: Malinao, Masaraga, and Mayon, primarily
composed of basaltic to andesitic materials. Vol-
caniclastic sediments, ranging from sand to grav-
el, are directly sourced from these volcanoes and
transported downstream via the Quinale River to
the coast. The southeastward alignment of the spit
suggests a net southeastward longshore transport
of quaternary alluvial sediments to the southern
bank of the Quinale River (Dayao 2006; Soria et
al. 2021). The spit measures approximately 150 m
wide and stretches 7 km southeast toward Taba-
co city. Tabaco city coast, on the other hand, is
characterized by sand and gravel deposited from
Malinao and several tributary rivers of Tabaco city
(such as Bombon, Bacolod, and Pawa rivers). It
is found inside Tabaco Bay, which stretches to-
Figure 1. Location of study sites along the east coast of Albay, Philippines, including Malinao, Tabaco city, San Miguel Island,
Bacacay, Santo Domingo, and Legazpi city.
Marine and Fishery sciences 38 (2): xxx-xxx (2025)
wards the municipality of Malinao to the south.
Extending further to the southeastern portion of
the Bay is the coastline of the municipality of
Bacacay, which is inuenced by major tributaries
of the municipalities of Malilipot and Bacacay. To
the south are the coastal areas of the municipality
of Santo Domingo and the city of Legazpi, both
characterized and inuenced by the discharge of
basaltic and andesitic materials from the Mayon
volcano (Soria et al. 2021). On the other hand,
San Miguel Island is characterized by possessing
carbonate sediments, which are primarily formed
predominantly through the biological and chem-
ical precipitation of calcium carbonate in marine
environments (Pomar 2020).
These coastal areas support various socio-eco-
nomic activities, such as agriculture, sheries, sand
and gravel quarrying, and small-scale tourism. For
instance, Tabaco city is a hub for shing and trade,
while the island villages of Tabaco and Bacacay
are popular destinations for beach tourism, par-
ticularly on San Miguel Island and Cagraray Island,
which draw visitors for their white sand beaches
and marine biodiversity (Bradecina et al. 2013).
Meanwhile, Malinao and Santo Domingo have sig-
nicant sand and gravel extraction industries (Arao
2020), vital for regional construction but often con-
tributing to sediment depletion and coastal erosion
(Paz-Alberto et al. 2016). The study area is critical
for understanding how socio-economic activities
interact with natural coastal processes.
Data collection
The method of Emery (1961) for beach proling
was applied to determine changes in elevation and
length of the backshore of selected areas in Albay.
This cost-effective and straightforward technique
maps the cross-sectional elevation of beaches. This
method consists of using two graduated rods of the
same height and measuring the difference in eleva-
tion and distance between them, starting from an
inland reference point and moving towards the sea.
The horizon serves as the reference for determining
relative elevation. Emery’s method allowed us to
record the cross-sectional shape of the beach and
observe morphological changes over time. These
measurements were used to quantify sediment
volume uctuations, indicating whether the beach
experienced sediment loss (erosion) or gain (accre-
tion) over different seasons (Jackson et al. 2002).
This method was specically applied to Lidong and
San Isidro, both in Santo Domingo, from October
2020 to November 2021, because these two sites
exhibited the most signicant changes in shoreline
Google Earth satellite images from 2004, 2009,
2017, and 2021 were used to analyze changes in
coastal morphology. These years were chosen be-
cause the images provided the clearest resolution
for accurate shoreline outlining and tracing, ena-
bling meaningful comparisons between historical
and current shoreline positions. Digitized shore-
lines from selected sites –Malinao, Tabaco city,
Bacacay, Santo Domingo, and Legazpi city– were
analyzed to identify areas of erosion and accre-
tion, offering a spatial and temporal perspective on
coastal changes. This approach provided valuable
insights into the dynamic patterns of shoreline evo-
lution in these areas.
Photographic documentation was conducted
to capture visible evidence of erosion and sedi-
ment deposition along the coastline. Secondary
data played a critical role in supporting and com-
plementing the analysis, encompassing various
sources of information. Historical reports, includ-
ing archival records, government publications, and
technical documents, provided insights into past
coastal changes, interventions, and management
practices in the study areas. Related studies, such
as research articles, theses, and surveys conduct-
ed within the region or on similar coastal systems,
were used to validate ndings and identify long-
term trends in shoreline dynamics. Hydrometeor-
ological data, including records of typhoon fre-
quency, wave action, sea level rise and seasonal
variations, provided insight into environmental
drivers behind changes in coastal morphology.
Mendoza et al.: shoreline analysis in albay 5
Additionally, land use and infrastructure records
highlighted human activities, such as urbanization
and reclamation projects, which may have inu-
enced shoreline behavior. Anecdotal accounts and
observations from local residents contributed val-
uable qualitative insights into historical shoreline
changes and coastal resource use, while historical
maps, nautical charts, and older satellite imagery
provided spatial references for tracking changes
over extended periods. By integrating these diverse
secondary data sources with satellite imagery, eld
surveys, and local knowledge, this study ensured
a robust and multifaceted assessment of coastal
morphological changes, enabling a comprehensive
understanding of the natural and human-induced
factors shaping the Albay shoreline.
Key informant interviews and community in-
Key informant interviews (KIIs) with local resi-
dents, sherfolk, and community leaders provided
additional qualitative insights, offering historical
context and local observations about erosion pat-
terns. A total of 144 respondents were surveyed
across ve municipalities and one city along the
east coast of Albay to gather local insights re-
garding shoreline changes, coastal activities, and
community observations of erosion and accretion.
The term ‘interviews’ in this context refers to both
structured surveys and KIIs, which were used to
complement each other. Surveys aimed to collect
quantitative data, while the KIIs provided quali-
tative, in-depth perspectives. The KIIs were con-
ducted with individuals directly involved in shing,
tourism, aquaculture, coastal agriculture, mangrove
harvesting, seaweed farming, shellsh gathering,
beachcombing, boat building, and coastal trade, as
well as community leaders and elders with histor-
ical knowledge of the area. These interviews fo-
cused on gathering detailed accounts of long-term
shoreline dynamics, community coping strategies,
and recommendations for coastal management. By
engaging individuals from diverse coastal liveli-
hood sectors, the study captured a more compre-
hensive understanding of human-environment in-
teractions and the social and economic dimensions
of shoreline changes and their impact on the local
Surveyed locations were selected based on their
proximity to the coastline and the active involve-
ment of residents in coastal-related livelihoods,
such as shing, tourism, and resource extraction.
Legazpi city was excluded from the survey due
to its predominantly commercial nature, minimal
residential population along the coast, and limited
direct engagement in coastal livelihoods.
Surveys consisted of structured questionnaires
with a mix of closed and open-ended questions
designed to achieve the following purposes:
- Shoreline changes: respondents were asked
about observable changes in the coastline, in-
cluding erosion, accretion, and the frequency of
signicant events such as storm surges or sedi-
ment deposition.
- Coastal activities: questions explored the types
of livelihoods connected to the coast, such as
shing, tourism, or quarrying, and how these ac-
tivities have been affected by shoreline changes.
- Perceptions of causes and impacts: respondents
provided insights into their perceptions of the
factors driving erosion and accretion and the
social and economic impacts of these changes
on their communities.
Ethical considerations
This study strictly adhered to established ethical
guidelines, obtaining all necessary permits and ap-
provals from relevant local authorities, including
Municipal Mayors and Barangay Captains. Be-
fore data collection, respondents were thorough-
ly briefed on the research purpose, objectives,
procedures, and potential risks or benets. Par-
ticipants were provided ample opportunity to ask
questions and clarify concerns before proceeding.
Informed consent was obtained in writing from
Marine and Fishery sciences 38 (2): xxx-xxx (2025)
each respondent, ensuring their voluntary partici-
pation without coercion. Participants were explic-
itly informed that their involvement was entirely
voluntary and that they had the right to withdraw
from the study at any point without any adverse
consequences. This open, transparent approach
reinforced the commitment to ethical research
Privacy and condentiality were put at the
forefront of the study. All personal data collected
during interviews and surveys were anonymized
or de-identied to protect the identity of partici-
pants. Information provided by respondents was
treated with strict condentiality and used solely
for research purposes. Data was handled respon-
sibly throughout the research process, and meas-
ures were taken to ensure accurate and objective
reporting of ndings. In all aspects, the privacy
and anonymity of respondents were safeguarded,
ensuring that ethical standards were maintained
from data collection to dissemination.
Historical changes in coastal morphology
Historically, the coastal sites of Tabaco city
and Bacacay have been central to human activi-
ties, such as shing and family recreation, such
as swimming. These areas have faced increasing
natural forces and pressures from human devel-
opment. The construction of coastal roads, beach
houses, and other infrastructure, combined with
the regular impact of typhoons and monsoons, has
signicantly altered the coastal landscape (He et al.
2014; Huang 2022). In Tabaco city, approximately
1.5 ha of coastline has been eroded (Figure 2 A
and 2 B). This same trend has been observed in
Bacacay, where an average of 6 m of shoreline has
receded over the years (Figure 2 C and 2 D). From
2004 to 2021, coastal areas in Tabaco and Bacacay
Figure 2. Historical changes in coastal morphology in Tabaco city (A-B) and Bacacay (C-D). Temporal line traces in yellow, violet,
and red indicate shoreline positions for 2021, 2017, and 2004, respectively (source: Google Earth).
Mendoza et al.: shoreline analysis in albay 7
exhibited similarly dramatic changes. The contin-
uous loss of shoreline in these regions reects the
combined effects of natural coastal processes and
anthropogenic activities.
The observed coastal erosion in Tabaco city and
Bacacay illustrates a broader shoreline retreat pat-
tern driven by natural and human-induced factors.
Frequent typhoons and monsoons exacerbate the
natural erosional processes, leading to signicant
sediment displacement. Coastal infrastructure de-
velopment, including roads and residential projects,
disrupts natural sediment transport and deposition
patterns, preventing the coastline from replenish-
ing lost sediments and intensifying erosion (Huang
2022). This impact is especially noticeable in ar-
eas such as Tabaco city and Bacacay, where the
construction of beach houses and coastal roads
has signicantly altered shoreline geomorphology.
The loss of vegetation and natural barriers, such
as mangroves and sand dunes, further contrib-
utes to the vulnerability of these areas (Feagin et
al. 2005). Without these natural defenses, coastal
zones are less resilient to storm surges and wave
action, resulting in greater erosion (Delno et al.
2015; Siringan and Sta Maria 2024). Moreover, data
from 2004 to 2021 revealed that coastal changes
in Tabaco and Bacacay were not isolated incidents
but part of a long-term trend, highlighting the ur-
gent need for sustainable coastal management. The
retreat of shorelines in these areas underscores the
importance of integrating climate change adaptation
measures into coastal development planning. Strate-
gies such as the construction of green infrastructure
(e.g. mangrove reforestation), the creation of buffer
zones, and the restriction of development in highly
vulnerable areas could help mitigate future erosion.
Changes in river mouths, such as those observed
in Malinao and Bacacay, accentuate their vital role
in sediment transport (Figure 3). Historically, these
areas acted as natural reservoirs, receiving volcanic
sediments from Mayon volcano and facilitating
their distribution to nearby beaches through coastal
Figure 3. Historical changes in river mouths of Malinao (A-B) and Bacacay (C-D). Temporal line traces in yellow, violet, and red
lines indicate shoreline positions for 2021, 2017, and 2004, respectively (source: Google Earth).
Marine and Fishery sciences 38 (2): xxx-xxx (2025)
currents. However, the balance has been disrupt-
ed by quarrying operations (Alfane 2023). While
river mouths continue to receive sediment inows,
uncontrolled quarrying has signicantly reduced
the overall sediment supply, leading to erratic and
chaotic sedimentation patterns (Figure 3 C and 3
D). This depletion has further exacerbated coastal
erosion in downstream areas, despite the natural
abundance of sedimentary materials from the vol-
cano (Figure 3 A and 3 B).
Beach erosion occurs when the rate of sediment
loss from longshore drift exceeds the supply of new
material from updrift sources. Longshore drift, a
process in which sand or gravel is transported along
the coast by wave action, degrades beaches unless
these losses are compensated by fresh sediments
from the updrift (Komar 1998; Nordstrom 2014).
Erosion becomes particularly severe when the
sediment supply diminishes, such as when updrift
sources are interrupted, either by the cliff stabili-
zation that stops natural sediment production or by
rivers with reduced uvial sediment input (Bird
2008; McInnes et al. 2011; Hines et al. 2012). In
some coastal areas, beaches develop sand or gravel
lobes, which are pockets of sediment that gradu-
ally migrate along the coast following longshore
drift (Ortega-Sánchez et al. 2017). These lobes can
temporarily build up the beach as they arrive, result-
ing in accretion. However, as the lobe continues to
move downdrift, the area it passes through is left
vulnerable to erosion, leading to alternating peri-
ods of sediment gain and loss along the coastline
(Wright and Short 1984; Preoteasa et al. 2016). This
dynamic interaction between sediment transport
and beach morphology highlights the importance
of maintaining a balance between natural sediment
sources and coastal processes to preserve beach
stability over time (Dean and Dalrymple 2004).
In Legazpi city, land reclamation efforts initiated
in 2007 have contributed to improving the stability
of the coastline, as seen through the establishment
of protective structures (Duvat 2013) (Figure 4). As
a consequence of coastal development, the construc-
tion of Legazpi boulevard in the northern (Figure 4 A
and 4 B) and southern parts of the harbor (Figure 4
C and 4 D) altered the morphology of the shoreline.
A closer examination of changes in vegetation over
time revealed signicant changes. In 2004, there
were trees, likely mangroves known for their role in
coastal protection and sediment retention (Figure 4
B). However, by 2021 these trees had been replaced
by shrubs and grasses, most likely as a result of
urban development, including the construction of
homes and businesses (Figure 4 A and 4 C). Al-
though seawalls and boulders provided some degree
of protection against coastal erosion, the constant
action of waves and currents eroded the underlying
substratum (Trenhaile 2016). This is largely attrib-
uted to the limited sediment supply for transport
and reworking (Komar 1998; Dean and Dalrym-
ple 2004). As a result, while reclamation structures
have temporarily improved coastal stability, their
long-term durability remains uncertain, especial-
ly considering the exposure to powerful northeast
monsoons and frequent typhoons in the region (Bird
2008). Without a sustainable sediment supply, the
reclaimed area may become vulnerable to future
erosion (De Vente and Poesen 2005), highlighting
the importance of continuous monitoring and adap-
tive management strategies (Birgé et al. 2016).
While coastal developments and resorts in San-
to Domingo have boosted the local economy by
creating jobs, income, and revenue (Arao 2020),
they also pose long-term environmental risks that
could eventually undermine the tourism sector of
the local government (Alfane 2023). The shoreline
of Santo Domingo underwent a striking transfor-
mation between 2009 and 2021, with over 50 m of
retreat observed during that period (Figure 5 A and
5 B). This shoreline erosion is primarily due to re-
duced sediment availability for coastal reworking,
leading to signicant sand loss in front of resorts
(Figure 5 C and 5 D). The limited sediment supply
is largely a result of extensive quarrying activities
in river channels and at the base of Mayon vol-
cano, which have disrupted the natural sediment
replenishment cycle. Consequently, beaches that
once supported a vibrant tourism industry are now
Mendoza et al.: shoreline analysis in albay 9
experiencing accelerated erosion. Without prop-
er management and mitigation measures, such as
regulating quarrying activities and enhancing sed-
iment management, the continued shoreline degra-
dation will harm the environment and jeopardize
the future of the coastal tourism industry in the
municipality of Santo Domingo.
The increasing frequency and intensity of storms
in coastal areas have eroded previously stable
beaches. This trend has been observed in parts of
Albay, which is located on the eastern seaboard
and was one of the rst areas affected by tropical
cyclones. Two powerful and catastrophic typhoons
are among the 20 tropical storms that typically hit
the Bicol region each year, particularly the Prov-
ince of Albay. These storms, rising sea levels,
and more frequent storm surges have accelerated
coastal erosion, making the shoreline increasingly
vulnerable to signicant changes (Michener et al.
Anthropogenic pressures and shoreline morpho-
logical changes
In addition to these natural factors, human ac-
tivities further exacerbate the problem. In island
areas, sand and gravel used for constructing houses
are often extracted directly from the beaches. This
unsustainable practice depletes sediment reserves,
leading to the gradual erosion of foreshore areas.
Over time, this erosion exposes the roots of trees
and damages concrete structures (Figure 6 A-D).
The removal of sediment not only weakens nat-
ural coastal defenses but also increases shoreline
susceptibility to further degradation (Nordstrom
2014). The combined intensied storm activity
(Soria et al. 2021) and unsustainable extraction of
beach materials (Rangel-Buitrago and Neal 2023)
highlight the urgent need for comprehensive coast-
al management strategies. These should focus on
regulating resource extraction, reinforcing natural
Figure 4. Historical changes in the coastal area of Legaspi (2004-2021). A-B) Legazpi boulevard north port. C-D) Legazpi boule-
vard southern port. Temporal line traces in yellow, violet, and red lines indicate shoreline positions for 2021, 2017, and
2004, respectively (source: Google Earth).
Marine and Fishery sciences 38 (2): xxx-xxx (2025)
Figure 5. Historical changes in coastal morphology (2009, 2017, and 2021) in Santo Domingo. Temporal line traces in yellow,
violet, and red lines indicate shoreline positions for 2021, 2017, and 2004, respectively. A) Northern beach area. B) Southern
beach area. C-D) Beach resort frontage showing an eroded portion of the beachfront (source: Google Earth).
Figure 6. Evidence of shoreline erosion on the east coast of Albay. A) Erosion in San Miguel Island exposing tree roots. B) Ex-
posed tree roots and abandoned concrete parts of a house and a well in Bacacay. C) Exposed tree roots in Tabaco city. D)
Eroded coastline in Agñas, Tabaco city.
Agñas, Tabacoityc
CSanLorenzo, Tabacoityc
Mendoza et al.: shoreline analysis in albay 11
sediment cycles, and implementing adaptive meas-
ures to mitigate the impacts of climate change and
human activities on coastal environments.
Beach proling using the Emery approach was
conducted to assess the cross-sectional outline of
the beach and track its evolution over time. In the
municipality of Santo Domingo, data from San
Isidro and Lidong revealed distinct patterns of
shoreline change. Both areas experienced erosion,
but the nature of the erosion varied between the
two sites. In San Isidro, erosion affected the entire
beach prole, extending from the backshore to the
foreshore (Figure 7). In contrast, Lidong primarily
experienced erosion in the foreshore area (Figure
8). Notably, between October 2020 and Novem-
ber 2021, the vertical shore distance in Lidong de-
creased by approximately 7 m, accompanied by an
elevation reduction of about 60 cm. In San Isidro,
however, the vertical length of the shore remained
relatively unchanged over the same period. How-
ever, the elevation dropped by an average of 65 cm
from the back to the front along the beach prole
Figure 7. Changes in the coastal prole of Santo Domingo at San Isidro, from October 2020 to November 2021.
Figure 8. Changes in the coastal prole of Santo Domingo at Lidong, from October 2020 to November 2021.
12 18 24 30 35
Elevation (cm)
Distance (m)
October 2020 November 2021
12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 62
Elevation (cm)
Distance (m)
October 2020
November 2021
Marine and Fishery sciences 38 (2): xxx-xxx (2025)
in comparison to 2020 measurements. These vari-
ations highlight the differential impacts of coastal
processes on each site, likely inuenced by local-
ized factors such as wave energy, sediment supply,
and human activities.
The rapidly changing prole of the coastline of
Albay underscores its vulnerability to natural and
physical processes, compounded by human activi-
ties and ongoing coastal development. Destructive
practices such as sand extraction, alongside the
pressure of coastal infrastructure, contribute to the
instability of the shoreline, emphasizing the need
for sustainable coastal management and erosion
mitigation strategies.
Erosion has signicantly impacted many of the
world’s beaches over the past century (Vousdoukas
et al. 2020). Coastal environments are severely
threatened by the natural process of beach erosion
(Bird 2014). Beach erosion is expected to worsen
as a result of rising sea levels, stronger storms, and
changes in the global climate (Bilan 1993; Zhang
et al. 2004). However, the growing expansion of
development into coastal areas has raised con-
cerns about its impact on natural ecosystems and
the need for sustainable coastal development that
balances ecological preservation with economic
growth (He et al. 2014). Coastal areas, home to rich
biodiversity and sensitive ecosystems, are especial-
ly vulnerable to the consequences of development,
which threaten habitats, biodiversity, and overall
environmental health (He et al. 2014; Huang 2022).
In Albay, coastal development has surged signif-
icantly, driving a heightened demand for gravel
and sand to support infrastructure projects (MGB
2022). Consequently, extensive quarry operations
near the Mayon volcano have risen sharply, ex-
tracting hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of
sand and gravel annually (Figure 9). This wide-
spread extraction has led to a substantial reduction
in sediment supply to coastal zones, which depend
on river-carried materials for nourishment (Bird
and Lewis 2014). The analysis of coastline changes
by Google Earth time slider showed the coastal
erosion in eastern areas of Albay as a result of the
reduction in sediment supply. Similar patterns of
coastline alteration due to development were ob-
served in Taiwan, where rapid coastal expansion
during the 1970s substantially impacted coastal
morphology (Huang 2022). In response, Taiwan
has proposed countermeasures to restore long-
shore drift and reduce environmental degradation
(Zhang and Hou 2020). Those authors observed
signicant spatial variations in the southeastern of
Asia, with natural coastlines decreasing and arti-
cial coastlines increasing by 11%. These changes,
often due to interactions between natural processes
and human activities, highlight the delicate balance
between erosion and coastal expansion. In the Phil-
ippines, Paz-Alberto et al. (2016) found that quar-
rying and human interventions along riverbanks
of Dagupan led to an increase in river width and a
reduction in nearby coastline size. This nding is
consistent with the situation in Albay, where quarry
activities and coastal developments have altered
the coastline and reduced sediment supply, exac-
erbating coastal erosion.
The construction of coastal roads in Albay
has further disrupted the dynamics of sediments
(Huang 2022). As concluded previously, reclama-
tion of the foreshore area in Legazpi city has ex-
panded the coastal surface, while coastal roads and
seawalls have accelerated erosion and threatening
infrastructure in other municipalities such as Baca-
cay, Santo Domingo, Malilipot, and Tabaco. Ismail
and El-Sayed (2011) demonstrated that seawalls
can lower beach proles and increase longshore
sediment transport rates near the structures, fol-
lowed by sediment accumulation further down the
coast. Along Albay coast, the reected energy from
waves striking seawalls creates seaward cur rents
that erode material at the base. These same authors
concluded that altered wave patterns and longshore
currents were responsible for changes in sediment
transport rates. When waves strike a sturdy coast-
al structure, such as a concrete seawall or stone
blocks, they are reected, leading to seaward cur-
rents that carry material away from the base of the
wall. This reection washout is typically avoided
Mendoza et al.: shoreline analysis in albay 13
when a beach is sufciently broad and elevated to
prevent waves from reaching and rebounding off
the solid structure. However, if waves reach the
seawall, beach erosion occurs rapidly, which is the
situation of the coastal roads and seawalls through-
out Albay. Moreover, other potential impacts of
these structures include visual disruption, loss of
habitat, reduced beach access, sediment supply al-
teration, and exacerbation of erosion.
Community perceptions and adaptive strategies
for shoreline management
One of the most profound consequences of
coastal erosion is its impact on local communities,
particularly through displacement. A study in riv-
erine and deltaic regions of Bangladesh found that
erosion exacerbated displacement, poverty, and
social stigma (Barua et al. 2019). In Albay, coastal
communities face similar challenges, with erosion
damaging property and infrastructure, affecting
livelihoods and employment. Residents are also
concerned about saltwater intrusion into potable
water sources (Figure 10).
Despite these challenges, coastal communities
are highly aware of the causes of coastal erosion.
Combest-Friedman et al. (2012) found that com-
munities in the central Philippines recognize the
role of rainfall variability, storm intensity, and sea
level rise in driving coastal hazard risks. Similarly,
Alcantara et al. (2022) reported that residents of
Palawan identied sea level rise as a key factor in
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
No concessionaires
Volume of Production (m ) 10
3 6
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Figure 9. Annual trends (2012-2020) in the number of quarry concessioners (A), and the aggregate extraction volume in Mt.
Mayon (B) (MGB 2022).
Marine and Fishery sciences 38 (2): xxx-xxx (2025)
erosion. Residents of Albay, particularly in Santo
Domingo, attribute erosion to sand and gravel quar-
rying (Figure 11). These ndings demonstrate the
diversity of local perceptions about the causes of
erosion, which are inuenced by coastal activities,
livelihoods, and the impacts of natural disasters.
Figure 10. Perceived direct and indirect effects (%) of coastal erosion in coastal communities in Albay.
Figure 11. Perceived causes (%) of coastal erosion in coastal communities in Albay.
Extreme weather
Land conversion
Mangrove coral harvesting
Beach Sand Mining
River Sand Mining/Quarrying
Coastal developments
Industrial development
Hotel resort construction
Percentage of responses
Perceived causes of coastal erosion
Malinao Malilipot Bacacay Sto. Domingo Tabaco
Lost of property Loss of livelihood Loss of income
and employment
Damage of
services and other
Seawater intrusion
Percentage of responses
Perceived effects of coastal erosion
Tabaco Sto. Domingo
Mendoza et al.: shoreline analysis in albay 15
Depending on the municipality, residents noted
changes in their coastal areas, ranging from new in-
frastructure developments to shrinking beach areas
and rising sea levels (Figure 12). Some respond-
ents also observed accretion in certain locations,
which was consistent with the ndings of Berdin et
al. (2004) regarding simultaneous erosion and ac-
cretion along the coastline. Changes in river mouth
morphology were particularly noticeable near large
rivers, while municipalities such as Bacacay re-
ported no signicant coastal changes. Additionally,
three sites noted an increased coastal population,
likely driven by development expansion towards
coastal areas.
All respondents demonstrated a comprehensive
awareness of both preventive (Figure 13) and
corrective (Figure 14) measures regarding the im-
pacts of coastal erosion and alterations in coastal
areas. Participants from various municipalities
unanimously agreed on the necessity of effective
planning for coastal projects and developments.
This planning must adhere to environmental laws,
ensuring continuous monitoring and evaluation of
coastal areas to mitigate erosion effects (Alves et
al. 2020).
Respondents emphasized the importance of em-
ploying soft measures, such as enhancing vege-
tation and stabilizing dunes, as vital strategies to
combat accelerated coastal erosion. In line with
the comprehensive land use plans of Local Gov-
ernment Units (LGUs), the development of haz-
ard maps was highlighted as a crucial preventive
and corrective action (Maralli et al. 2014). These
strategies protect coastal ecosystems and foster
resilience against the adverse effects of climate
change and human activities (Birgé et al. 2016).
Interestingly, the regulation of quarry activities
(Figure 14) received notably low responses from
participants as a corrective measure to minimize
coastal erosion, particularly in the municipality of
Santo Domingo, where most commercial quarry
operators are located. This trend can be interpreted
as a normal response, as many community mem-
bers rely on quarrying as their primary source of
livelihood (Arao 2020). The apparent reluctance to
prioritize quarry regulation may reect a conict
between economic dependence and the need for
environmental protection (He et al. 2014), high-
lighting the complex dynamics of coastal resource
management of the region.
Figure 12. Observed changes (%) in the coastal area by coastal communities in Albay. SLR: sea level rise. RM: river mouth. DBS:
decrease beach sand. Devt: development. OP: overpopulation. AC: accretion. NC: no change.
Percentage of responses
Observed changes in the coastal areas due to coastal erosion
Tabaco Sto. Domingo
Marine and Fishery sciences 38 (2): xxx-xxx (2025)
The ndings of this study highlight the complex
interplay between natural processes, human activi-
ties, and community dynamics in shaping the shore-
line changes along the east coast of Albay. Coastal
erosion, driven by factors such as sand and gravel
quarrying, climate variability, and rising sea levels,
poses a signicant threat to the coastal ecosystems,
livelihoods, and infrastructure. While the physical
impacts of erosion are evident in the changing shore-
line proles of areas like Santo Domingo, the per-
Figure 13. Perceived preventive measures to control erosion in the future by coastal communities in Albay.
Figure 14. Perceived corrective measures to control erosion in the future by coastal communities in Albay.
0510 15 20 25 30
LGUs compliance to comprehesive land use plan
Development of hazzard maps and quick response guidelines
Monitoring and evaluation of erosion-prone/hazzard areas
Community based reforestation projects
Relocation of hazzard prone population and facilities
Compliance to environmental law
Limit quarrying
Soft measure approach in coastal area
Proper planning in coastal developments
Percentage of responses
Preventive measures
Malinao Malilipot Bacacay Sto. Domingo Tabaco
Compliannce evaluation to CLUP
Quarrying regulation
Relocation of erosion hazzard settlement and facilities
Mangrove reforestation
Medium term integrated road map
Massive IEC of concrened communities and the general
public on responsesible habitation in coastal areas
Use of science based information as input in coastal
development project
Monitoring and evaluation of coastal developments
projects and activities
Percentage of responses
Kinds of corrective measures
Malinao Malilipot Bacacay Sto. Domingo Tabaco
Mendoza et al.: shoreline analysis in albay 17
ceptions and responses of local communities offer
valuable insights into potential adaptive strategies.
Despite their awareness of the drivers of erosion,
communities face challenges in balancing econom-
ic dependence on unsustainable practices, such as
quarrying, with the urgent need for environmental
protection. The limited prioritization of quarry regu-
lation, particularly in economically dependent areas,
underscores the necessity of implementing inclusive
and context-sensitive management strategies. This
study emphasizes the importance of integrating soft
measures, such as vegetation restoration and dune
stabilization, into comprehensive coastal manage-
ment plans. The alignment of these measures with
LGU hazard mapping and land use planning can
enhance the resilience of coastal areas against the
compounded effects of climate change and human
activities. Moreover, fostering community participa-
tion and ensuring the enforcement of environmen-
tal regulations are critical for achieving long-term
sustainability in shoreline management. Addressing
shoreline erosion in Albay requires a multifaceted
approach that combines scientic analysis, regula-
tory enforcement, and community-driven solutions.
By striking a balance between ecological preser-
vation and economic development, the region can
mitigate the impacts of erosion while safeguarding
its coastal resources for future generations.
The researchers are grateful to the following for
the extended help and services that contributed to
the project’s success. BU Tabaco Campus, BU Re-
search Development and Management Division,
LGUs of the east coast of Albay. This research
was made possible through the training and ca-
pacity-building initiatives conducted by DOST-
PCAARRD and the UP Marine Science Institute,
whose expertise and guidance were instrumental
in shaping the methodologies and analytical ap-
proaches used in this study. Their commitment to
advancing coastal and marine research has signif-
icantly contributed to the project’s achievements.
This research was supported by funding from
the Bicol University Research and Development
Management Division (BU RDMD) and Bicol Uni-
versity Tabaco Campus.
Conict of interest
The author declares no conicts of interest or
competing interests regarding the publication of
this study.
Availability of data and materials
The data used in this study, including satellite
imagery and beach proling records, are available
from the corresponding author upon reasonable
Author contributions
Antonino B. Mendoza, Jr.: conceptualizing the
research; conducting the data analysis; writing the
manuscript; eld observations. Joshua K. B. Bis-
ta: conceptualizing the research; conducting the
data analysis; writing the manuscript; eld obser-
vations. Skorzeny C. De Jesus: conceptualizing
the research; conducting the data analysis; writing
the manuscript; eld observations. María Luisa U.
Tango: conceptualizing the research; conducting
the data analysis; writing the manuscript; eld
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