14. What are the resources used by the family and the corresponding post-harvest activities
applied (tick all that apply)
⬜ Fish
Please specify the post-harvest methods (e.g. processing, bulk buying, vending)
Physical assets used for processing of fish (e.g., freezer, crates, fish drier, tubs, barrel
drums) and their corresponding value
⬜ Shellfish
Please specify the post-harvest methods (e.g. processing, bulk buying, vending)
Physical assets used for processing of shefish (e.g., freezer, crates, fish drier, tubs, barrel
drums) and their corresponding value
⬜ Crabs
Please specify the post-harvest methods (e.g. processing, bulk buying, vending)
Physical assets used for processing of crabs (e.g., freezer, crates, fish drier, tubs, barrel
drums) and their corresponding value
⬜ Seaweeds
Please specify the post-harvest methods (e.g. processing, bulk buying, vending)
Physical assets used for processing of seasweeds (e.g., freezer, crates, fish drier, tubs, barrel
drums) and their corresponding value
⬜ Shrimps [Ulang/hipon]
Please specify the post-harvest methods (e.g. processing, bulk buying, vending)
Physical assets used for processing of shrimps (e.g., freezer, crates, fish drier, tubs, barrel
drums) and their corresponding value
⬜ Other resources, please specify
Please specify the post-harvest methods (e.g. processing, bulk buying, vending)
Physical assets used for processing of the resources (e.g., freezer, crates, fish drier, tubs,
barrel drums) and their corresponding value
15. What is/are the role/s of male household members in post-harvest activities?
16. What is/are the role/s of female household members in post-harvest activities?
17. What other post-harvest asset/s does your family own? Please include its/ their
corresponding value.
18. Are you a member of an association for post-harvest? [Katapo ka bala sang asosasyon para
sa post-harvest?]
⬜ Yes
⬜ No
⮚ If yes, what are the post-harvest assets owned by the association?
19. In time of COVID-19, where do you sell and who buys your processed products? (i.e.,
within the island, mainland, other municipalities)
Is there a difference on the market and buyer during and before pandemic?
⬜ Yes
⬜ None
If yes, please describe the difference
20. In time of COVID-19, what is the percentage of post-harvest products that is intended for
household food?