Sphyrna lewini
Rhynchobatus djiddensis
Key words: 
Estado y características de los tiburones y rayas impactados por la pesca artesanal: potenciales
implicancias para el manejo y la conservación
RESUMEN. 
     
Sphyrna lewini
Rhynchobatus djiddensis
Status and characteristics of sharks and rays impacted by artisanal sheries:
potential implications for management and conservation
Kennedy E. Osuka Peter Musembi 
Clare J. Thouless 
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Fishery Sciences
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    
  
 
       
    
     
       
      
      
       
       
      
  
        
  
     
 
 
   
      
 
      
Palabras clave:
Osuka et al.: Artisanal fisheries in Kenya: sharks and rays
     
      
      
Study area
        
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      
        
Landing surveys
       
         
      
     
      
       
      
      
 
    
 ± ±
      
      
      
     
Data analysis
      
    
      
        
  
  
     
  
Osuka et al.: Artisanal fisheries in Kenya: sharks and rays
    post-hoc 
Species composition
      
        
       
±     Carcharhinus melanopterus 
 ±     C. sorrah   
Neotrygon caeruleopunctata±
      
lewiniC. falciformis C. amblyrhynchos C. leucas
Aetobatus ocellatus Rhyncho-
batus djiddensisTaeniura lymma
S. lewini
Squatina africanaRhinco-
don typus
   A. ocellatus 
M. mobular
T. lymma =N.
caeruleopunctata =Himantura
R. dijiddensisRhina an-
    
        
     Sphyrna lewini
 A. ocellatus    
Mobula mobular
Rhynchobatus dijiddensisR. anclysto-
S. lewiniC. falciformis
C. amblyrhynchosC. leucas
R. dijiddensisA. ocella-
S. lewiniC. amblyrhynchosC. falci-
Marine and Fishery Sciences 38 (1): xxx-xxx (2025)
      
 ±
 Carcharhinus   ==  ±
amblyrhynchos =
Carcharhinus   ==  ±
Carcharhinus   ==  ±
leucas =
Carcharhinus   ==  ±
melanopterus 
Carcharhinus sorrah   ==  ±
 Sphyrna lewini   =  ±
 = 
  =
 Rhincodon typus   ==  ±
 Aetobatus ocellatus   ==  ±
 =
 Himantura uarnak   ==  ±
 =
Taeniura lymma   ==  ±
 =
Taeniurops meyeni   ==  ±
 =
Neotrygon   ==  ±
caeruleopunctata  =
 Mobula mobular   ==  ±
 =
Myliobatis aquila   ==  ±
Rhinoptera javanica   =  
 Pristis    =  
 Rhina ancylostoma   =  ±
Rhynchobatus   ==  ±
djiddensis =
 Squatina africana     
 
Osuka et al.: Artisanal fisheries in Kenya: sharks and rays
Characterization of the artisanal elasmobranchs
       
    =    = 
      
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 
     
     
      
Sphyrna lewini=Carcharhinus falciformis
=Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos=Carcharhinus leucas=
Taeniura lymma=Rhynchobatus djiddensis=Aetobatus ocellatus 
Osuka et al.: Artisanal fisheries in Kenya: sharks and rays
        
         
      mashua
  =      =  
= =
       
      
 
  
  
  
  
  
  
  
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   =
       
    
   
Osuka et al.: Artisanal fisheries in Kenya: sharks and rays 11
Sphyrna lewiniA. ocellatus 
      
     
C. amblyrhynchos     
 
N. caeruleopunctata T. lymma
      
     
     
S. lewini C. falciformis  C. amblyrhynchos
  
S. lewiniC. falciformis 
Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos   
       
Carcharhinus falciformis
Sphyrna lewini     
     
     
      
Aetobatus ocellatus R. djidden-
sisT. lymma
      Aetobatus
ocellatus     
      Rhynchoba-
tus djiddensis
     
T. lymma
       
  
       
 =
        
    
       
 
Threatened species
        
 
         
       
        
 
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hinus plumbeusRhizoprionodon acutusLoxodon
macrorhinus    Hemipris-
tis elongata
     
 
       
      
S. lewiniC.
amblyrhynchos     
        
C. falci-
 
charhinus limbatus
 C. limbatus   
       
Species composition
Juvenile capture
  
Osuka et al.: Artisanal fisheries in Kenya: sharks and rays 
 S. lewini      
S. lewini  
        
S. lewini
      
 C. amblyrhynchos 
C. leucas 
C. leucas
 R. djiddensis A. ocel-
      
   Carcharhi-
nus      
      
     
      
Characterization of Kenyan artisanal sheries
Fisher behaviour
     mashua 
   
Marine and Fishery Sciences 38 (1): xxx-xxx (2025)
     
      
Fishing gears
      
 
       
      
M. mobular
      
     
  
 
     
      
      
       
Management implications
   
        
 
     
     
S. lewiniR.
Osuka et al.: Artisanal fisheries in Kenya: sharks and rays 
djiddensisC. amblyrhynchos
A. ocellatus
    
   
     
     
 
   
        
       
        
        
       
      
 
  
     
      
       
       
       
Marine and Fishery Sciences 38 (1): xxx-xxx (2025)
   
      
 
   
Author contributions
    
 
     
     
  
       
     
    
      
    
     
       
    
        
       
      
      
    
Sphyrna lewini
       
    
 
Osuka et al.: Artisanal fisheries in Kenya: sharks and rays 
      
     
      
Sphyrna lewini
       
   
    Carcharhinus falci-
      
      
      
    
       
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     
 
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     
     
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     
 
       
      
    
     
     
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      
 
      
   
     
     
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Marine and Fishery Sciences 38 (1): xxx-xxx (2025)
      
     
Carcharhinus leucas
      
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     
      
   
      
     
  
    
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     
   
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Osuka et al.: Artisanal fisheries in Kenya: sharks and rays 
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 
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  Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos 
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