Marine and Fishery sciences 38 (2): xxx-xxx (2025)
ABSTRACT. In the 1980s, the Pacic oyster Magallana gigas (Thunberg, 1783) was deliberately
introduced in the southern region of the Province of Buenos Aires (Bahía Anegada, BA), Argentina.
In 2004, its presence expanded 80 km south of the Río Negro estuary along the coast of El Cóndor
(EC). Although oysters have demonstrated dispersal capability, there is limited data as regards the
EC population since 2011. This research focusses on the present M. gigas population encompassing
distribution, abundance, and size structure along a 180-km coastal line from EC to San Antonio Este
(SAE). Subsequently, we compared these data with those for the BA population. The presence of M.
gigas in the Province of Río Negro was detected in four sites: three of them near the Río Negro estuary
(EC, Piedras Verdes PV, and El Pescadero); and the last one in San Antonio Bay. Estimated average
abundances near the estuary were lower (range 1.8 10-3 ± 0.6 10-3 and 9 10-2 ± 3.4 10-2 ind. m-2) than
BA (105 ± 2 ind. m-2). Presence in SAE was only limited to one site and three adults M. gigas. The BA
oyster population exhibited a multimodal distribution, with a signicant number of recruits, whereas
the PV site displayed a trimodal structure dominated by large specimens. In EC, owing to the limited
number of individuals, modal components were less discernible, but small oysters predominated. The
current abundance of M. gigas in EC was considerably lower than that in 2011, indicating a popula-
tion decline. Despite this, the presence of juvenile oysters suggests recent recruitment, emphasizing
species resilience. These results show that M. gigas faces challenges when attempting to establish
itself in this specic region. Studying the underlying causes would help to understand the factors that
limit the expansion of a species considered to be a global invader.
Key words: Invasive species, population dynamics, intertidal, ecosystem engineer, recruitment.
Distribución, abundancia y estructura de tamaño de la ostra cóncava del Pacíco, Magallana
gigas, en el norte de la Patagonia
RESUMEN. En la década de 1980, la ostra del Pacíco, Magallana gigas (Thunberg, 1783), fue
introducida deliberadamente en la región sur de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (Bahía Anegada, BA),
Argentina. En 2004, su presencia se expandió 80 km al sur del estuario del Río Negro, a lo largo de
la costa de El Cóndor (EC). Si bien las ostras han demostrado capacidad de dispersión, existen datos
limitados sobre la población de EC desde 2011. Esta investigación se centra en la población actual de
M. gigas que abarca la distribución, abundancia y estructura de talla a lo largo de una línea costera
de 180 km desde EC hasta San Antonio Este (SAE). Posteriormente, comparamos estos datos con los
de la población de BA. La presencia de M. gigas en la Provincia de Río Negro se detectó en cuatro
Distribution, abundance, and size structure of the Pacic cupped oyster
Magallana gigas in northern Patagonia
Leandro a. hünicken1, *, raúL GonzáLez1, 2, dennis Landete1, Maité a. Barrena1, 2, Juan F. saad1, 2 and
Maite a. narvarte1, 2
1Centro de Investigación Aplicada y Transferencia Tecnológica en Recursos Marinos “Almirante Storni”, Güemes 1030, R8520CXV - San Antonio
Oeste, Argentina. 2Escuela Superior de Ciencias Marinas, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, San Martín 224, R8520BNF - San Antonio Oeste,
Argentina. ORCID Leandro A. Hünicken https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9763-2615, Raúl González https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4660-4662,
Dennis Landete https://orcid.org/0009-0001-1937-7882, Maité A. Barrena https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3412-3645,
Juan F. Saad https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4482-8892, Maite A. Narvarte https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6051-4842
Marine and
Fishery Sciences
Received: 10 November 2023
Accepted: 20 December 2024
ISSN 2683-7595 (print)
ISSN 2683-7951 (online)
Journal of the Instituto Nacional de
Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
International License
Marine and Fishery sciences 38 (2): xxx-xxx (2025)
Human actions facilitate certain species to
reach previously inaccessible regions, establish
self-sustaining populations, and spread to novel
environments, a phenomenon known as biologi-
cal invasions (Elton 1958). In marine and estua-
rine environments, oysters represent a signicant
example of invasive species (Carlton 1992; Reise
1998), acting as ecosystem engineers that modify
physical and chemical environments, inuencing
populations, communities, and food webs through
the creation of biogenic reefs in soft-sediment ma-
rine landscapes (Ruesink et al. 2005). Aquaculture
has been a key driver for oyster introductions since
the 1950s, often aimed at replacing declining na-
tive populations or developing new export products
(Shatkin et al. 1997; Ruesink et al. 2005).
The Pacic oyster, Magallana (= Crassostrea)
gigas (Thunberg, 1783), native to the northwest
Pacic coast, has been introduced to at least 45
ecoregions worldwide (Molnar et al. 2008). While
deliberate introductions account for many of these
occurrences, the species has also expanded its
range through unintentional transport and natural
dispersal from established populations, as evi-
denced in Scandinavian waters including Denmark,
Norway, and Sweden (Dolmer et al. 2014), as well
as in New Zealand (Dinamani 1991). Although M.
gigas has demonstrated considerable success in
colonizing new environments, its establishment
patterns vary signicantly across regions (Carras-
co 2012). In some areas, environmental constraints
have either precluded successful establishment or
resulted in intermittent recruitment dynamics, char-
acterized by periodic population pulses that cor-
respond with favorable environmental conditions
(Diederich et al. 2005).
In Argentina, this species was introduced for
commercial purposes in 1982 in Bahía Anegada,
in the southern area of the Province of Buenos
Aires (39° 00' S to 40° 40' S and 62° 10' W), where
it established a wild population (Orensanz et al.
2002). Since then, the species have spread north-
wards to the Bahía Blanca estuary (Dos Santos and
Fiori 2010) and southwards to El Cóndor, in the
area inuenced by the Río Negro estuary, which
constitutes the administrative boundary between
the provinces of Buenos Aires and Río Negro
(González et al. 2005) (Figure 1). The success of
the species in this region is attributed to several
factors, including suitable water temperatures for
gonad maturation and spawning (Castaños et al.
2009), availability of appropriate substrates, and its
ability to recruit on various surfaces (Carrasco et
al. 2018). These established populations have cre-
ated shallow intertidal reefs that have signicantly
altered local community structure by providing
habitat for invertebrates and affecting shorebird
feeding patterns (Escapa et al. 2004; Bazterrica et
al. 2022), demonstrating ecological implications of
oyster invasions in the region.
sitios: tres de ellos cerca del estuario del Río Negro (EC, Piedras Verdes PV y El Pescadero); y el último en la Bahía de San Antonio.
Las abundancias promedio estimadas cerca del estuario fueron menores (rango 1,8 10-3 ± 0,6 10-3 y 9 10-2 ± 3,4 10-2 ind. m-2) que en
BA (105 ± 2 ind. m-2). La presencia en SAE solo se limitó a un sitio y tres individuos adultos de M. gigas. La población de ostras de BA
exhibió una distribución multimodal, con un número signicativo de reclutas, mientras que el sitio PV mostró una estructura trimodal
dominada por especímenes grandes. En EC, debido al número limitado de individuos, los componentes modales fueron menos discernibles,
pero predominaron las ostras pequeñas. La abundancia actual de M. gigas en EC fue considerablemente menor que en 2011, lo que indica
una disminución de la población. A pesar de esto, la presencia de ostras juveniles sugiere un reclutamiento reciente, lo que enfatiza la
resiliencia de la especie. Estos resultados muestran que M. gigas enfrenta desafíos cuando intenta establecerse en esta región especíca.
Estudiar las causas subyacentes ayudaría a comprender los factores que limitan la expansión de una especie considerada invasora global.
Palabras clave: Especies invasoras, dinámica poblacional, intermareal, ingeniero ecosistémico, reclutamiento.
Hünicken et al.: Pacific cuPPed oyster in nortH Patagonia 3
A monitoring effort that began in 2008 tracked
M. gigas distribution along the northern coast of
the Province of Río Negro. Findings indicated
higher densities near El Cóndors central beach
and a 30-km western expansion, reaching near
the eastern limit of San Matías Gulf (Roche et al.
2010) (Figure 1). However, the program ceased
in 2011, leaving the current species distribution
unknown in an area that encompasses four protect-
ed natural zones and a crucial provincial shing
reserve (Provincial laws 1960, 2519, 3222, 2670,
2669; http://www.legisrn.gov.ar). Since impacts
of invasive species depend on distribution, abun-
dance, and other ecological factors (Markert et al.
2010), assessing these parameters for M. gigas
an initial step to evaluate its potential effects in
the area. Environmental conditions at the invasion
front that affect the survival and individual growth
of colonizing individuals can profoundly inuence
the establishment and subsequent dispersal of the
invasive species (Burton et al. 2010). The original
monitoring of the cupped oyster in the Province
of Río Negro (Roche et al. 2010) and a prelimi-
nary survey carried out in April 2019 in El Cón-
dor revealed the persistence of the species in the
area, although in relatively very low abundance
(approximately 0.1 ind. m-2) in comparison with
those reached in other natural environments in the
world and Argentina (Bahía Anegada: 90ind. m-2,
Escapa et al. 2004; Las Toninas: 131 ind. m-2, Gib-
erto et al. 2012; Sylt, Wadden Sea: 125.8 ind. m-2,
Diederich et al. 2005). In other locations where M.
gigas was introduced, lag phases were observed.
For example, in Sylt, Wadden Sea, the rst estab-
lished populations emerged 17 years post-commer-
cial introduction (Wehrmann et al. 2000), while in
Figure 1. Distribution of Magallana gigas on the northern coast of the Province of Río Negro, Argentina. Years in brackets indicate
rst report in the corresponding site.
Marine and Fishery sciences 38 (2): xxx-xxx (2025)
South Africa, a lag span of 51 years was observed
(Robinson et al. 2005). Typically, these lag phas-
es coincide with suboptimal temperatures and/or
salinities for larval development, or unfavorable
hydrological regimes that prevent postlarvae set-
tlement by carrying them to unsuitable substrates
(Guy and Roberts 2010). Until now, no studies
have explored environmental conditions in El
Cóndor and their connection to M. gigas inva-
sive patterns. Assessing physicochemical factors
(temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, turbidity,
wave energy) and food availability through a com-
parison with established population zones provides
insights into impediments to the establishment of
new population.
This study aimed to evaluate the distribution,
abundance and size structure of M. gigas at the
invasion forefront on the northern coast of the
Province of Río Negro. Additionally, it sought to
identify environmental factors inuencing its po-
tential expansion.
In October 2020, a one-time comprehensive sur-
vey was conducted between El Cóndor (41° 3.30' S,
62° 49.81' W) and Caleta de los Loros (41° 0.98' S,
64° 11.5' W), following recommendations for mon-
itoring frequency during early invasion stages
(Guy and Roberts 2010). At each site, two parallel
transects of 1,000 m each were surveyed (totaling
2,000 m per site) along the low-tide line in the
lower intertidal zone. To distinguish M. gigas from
native oysters (Ostrea spreta d’Orbigny, 1845 and
O. puelchana d’Orbigny, 1842), morphological
features were examined (Borges 2006). The most
evident diagnostic character between genera is the
absence of interlocking teeth and sockets in the
hinge of M. gigas, which is typical of the genus Os-
trea. Additionally, the upper or right valve is at in
native oysters (at oysters), whereas it is curved in
M. gigas (cupped oyster) (Borges 2006). Magalla-
na gigas valves are also distinctive by being robust,
irregularly shaped, with a nacreous interior; the
hinge presents a central ligament and deep folds
that are not observed in native species of the genus
Ostrea (Evseev et al. 1996; Borges 2006).
Transects involved daily low-tide surveys at sites
with previous M. gigas records (El Cóndor, Segun-
da Bajada del Faro, El Espigón, and La Lobería)
and in areas of potential ongoing invasion (Bajada
Echandi, Bahía Rosas, Bahía Creek, and Caleta de
los Loros). The latter sites were selected to provide
uniform coverage along the 120 km of coastline
extending from the Río Negro estuary, while ensur-
ing accessibility to sampling areas. Access to this
predominantly cliff-lined coast is limited to man-
made descents (Bajada Echandi and Bahía Creek)
and natural embayment (Bahía Rosas and Caleta
de los Loros). Caleta de los Loros, a protected area
characterized by reduced wave exposure, was of
particular interest since this environmental fea-
ture could potentially inuence oyster settlement.
Moreover, based on information from local sh-
ermen and divers about the presence of M. gigas
at the mouth of the Río Negro (El Pescadero) and
San Antonio Este port, two sampling surveys were
carried out in April and September 2022, respec-
tively. The objective was to map the distribution of
the species in this region (Figure 1).
The abundance of M. gigas was assessed at Los
Pocitos (LP), a site within Bahía Anegada char-
acterized by dense oyster reefs, and two sites in
the Province of Río Negro (El Cóndor EC, and
Piedras Verdes PV), where oyster distribution pri-
marily consisted of dispersed solitary individuals
on abrasion platforms. In each scenario, despite
challenges in comparability across sites, distinct
sampling techniques were employed. While plot
sampling is recommended for high-density popu-
lations, the more efcient linear distance sampling
Hünicken et al.: Pacific cuPPed oyster in nortH Patagonia 5
approach was employed for populations with dis-
persed individuals (Buckland et al. 2005; Miller
et al. 2019).
In LP, the abundance estimation involved ran-
dom 0.25 m2 quadrats. The process began by out-
lining the study area, which comprised the rock
abrasion platform of the lower and middle intertid-
al zone near the shermen’s walkway (7,688 m2).
Google Earth was used to place 35 random spots.
At each point, a quadrat was positioned, and all in-
dividuals within it were collected and subsequent-
ly transported to the laboratory for counting. The
mean number of oysters per quadrat in the site
was estimated using a generalized linear model
performed with the package MASS in R (Venables
and Ripley 2002; Bolker et al. 2009; R Core Team
2020) using the number of oysters per quadrat as
the response variable.
In EC and PV, the density was estimated by
means of linear distance sampling (Buckland et
al. 2005). To achieve this, linear transects were
established along the lower and middle intertidal
zone using a rope with lengths ranging from 20
to 30 m, depending on the irregularities of terrain.
Under good visibility conditions, divers assisted
in covering 50-m subtidal transects (n = 6) in San
Antonio Este port, estimating a surveyed area of
roughly 900 m2. Oysters were searched for along
these transects and all perpendicular distances be-
tween detected individuals and the transects were
recorded. These distances were used to build a de-
tection probability model as a function of the dis-
tance to the observer (detection function). Finally,
with the detection function, the density of oysters
at each site was estimated. The analysis was per-
formed with the package Distance in R (Miller et
al. 2019; R Core Team 2020).
Size structure
Individuals collected during the abundance sur-
veys were brought to the Laboratorio de Biodiver-
sidad y Servicios Ecosistémicos (Escuela de Cien-
cias Marinas, Universidad Nacional del Comahue)
where they were weighed and their length, height,
and width were measured. In addition, the volume
of each individual was recorded using the water
displacement method (Lawrence and Scott 1982).
Given the great variability in the relationships be-
tween linear measurements, i.e. the variable mor-
phology between individuals, the volume was used
as a global measure of size to construct size-fre-
quency histograms (6 ml interval). Subsequently,
size-frequency distributions were decomposed into
modal components using the Bhattacharya method,
which was validated using the Normsep tool within
the Fisat II software application (Pauly and Caddy
1985; Gayanilo et al. 2002). Recruits were dened
as individuals with a height less than 30 mm (Fey
et al. 2010; Lagarde et al. 2017).
Environmental variables
Substrate availability in study sites
The mouth of the Río Negro extends along
12.5 km of the Atlantic coastline of the Argentine
Patagonia (del Río et al. 1991). Sediments from the
Río Negro cliff contribute to a littoral drift towards
the northeast, estimated at 900,000 m3 annually,
accumulating over intertidal sandbanks and result-
ing in an accretion of 50 m per year (del Río et al.
1991; Etcheverría et al. 2006; Vergara Dal Pont
et al. 2017). Thus, ne, well-sorted sands make
up the predominantly granulometry (del Río et al.
1991), resulting in a scarcity of hard substrates for
oyster settlement. The primary substrates available
for oyster settlement in the inner estuary include
gravel in areas of increased current speed and the
roots and stems of Sporobolus (Spartina) alterni-
ora and S. densiora (Alberti et al. 2007; Isaac et
al. 2014). On the western coast of the estuary, the
extensive sand beach of El Cóndor is interrupted
by abrasion platforms composed mainly of ne-
grained sandstones of the Río Negro Formation
(Etcheverría et al. 2006; Mendez et al. 2015). To
the southwest of the Río Negro mouth, erosion
features dominate, characterized by cliff proles
and wave abrasion platforms, primarily composed
Marine and Fishery sciences 38 (2): xxx-xxx (2025)
of ne-grained sandstones alternating with gray-
green sandstones, vulcanogenic deposits, earthy
limestones, and red claystone (Etcheverría et al.
2006; Vergara Dal Pont et al. 2017).
Los Pocitos is situated within Anegada Bay,
characterized by a vast tidal at with a gradual de-
cline towards the east (Etcheverría et al. 2006). Sal-
icornia and Sporobolus patches are scattered across
the ne-grained sandy marsh of the intertidal zone,
while valves and coarse sand buildup on the distal
beach show the effects of storms (Isla and Bertola
2003). The most recent sedimentary layers con-
sist of ne silt-clayey deposits of grayish-brown
hue, dominated by crab burrows (Etcheverría et al.
2006). Occasionally, abrasion platforms formed by
cohesive sediments of the Río Negro Formation are
found (Cuadrado and Gómez 2010).
Physicochemical and biological environment
Seawater environmental parameters that typi-
cally have relevance for the settlement of bivalve
larvae on substrates were selected. To survey these
environmental variables, monthly samples were
collected from three sites (LP, EC, PV) between
October 2020 and November 2021. Temperature
was measured in situ, while for the rest of the pa-
rameters, subsurface samples (~ 15 cm depth, 3 m
from the shore) were collected in plastic bottles
that were immediately transferred to the laborato-
ry in ice-cold coolers. Conductivity and pH were
taken from 200 ml samples with a multiparam-
eter sensor (AtlasScienticTM Hydroponics Kit).
Chlorophyll-a samples were collected by lter-
ing between 300 and 750 ml of water through
47 mm diameter glass ber lters (0.7 µm pore),
which were stored in a freezer at -20 °C and then
extraction with ethanol was performed for 12 h
(Lorenzen 1967). Chlorophyll-a concentration was
determined by spectrophotometry before and af-
ter acidication with 0.1 N hydrochloric acid to
correct for pheopigments. Absorbances were tak-
en with a UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Persee T7S),
while chlorophyll-a concentrations were calculated
following the equation of Marker et al. (1980).
For the estimation of suspended solids, a volume
of 250 ml of seawater was ltered through ber-
glass lters of 47 mm in diameter and 0.7 µm pore
previously mufed at 300 °C and weighed. Then,
they were dried in an oven at 60 °C and the concen-
tration was obtained by applying the gravimetric
method (APHA 2005). The inorganic fraction was
measured after burning the lters at 500 °C in a
mufe for 3 h.
Comparisons between environments were per-
formed by means of a principal component analysis
where all measured environmental variables were
included, previously eliminating variables that
presented a strong correlation (Pearson correlation
coefcient greater than 0.8 or between 0.5 and 0.8
with signicant correlation, α = 0.05).
Magallana gigas individuals were found in four
of the ten surveyed sites on the north coast of the
Province of Río Negro. Sites with presence corre-
sponded mostly to the estuary and the area of in-
uence by the Río Negro (El Cóndor, El Pescadero
and Piedras Verdes) (Figure 1), where the species
had been previously reported. The nding in San
Antonio Bay (three individuals in Puerto del Este)
constitutes the rst record of the species within the
San Matías Gulf.
Abundances in the Río Negro estuary and its
surrounding area were notably lower, spanning
between ve to six orders of magnitude less than
those observed in LP (Table 1). Variations were
also evident among sites along the invasion front,
with the highest abundance detected in the estuary
(El Pescadero) and the lowest in EC. In San Anto-
nio Bay, only three individuals were located within
Hünicken et al.: Pacific cuPPed oyster in nortH Patagonia 7
a single transect out of the six surveyed, rendering
the density calculation unfeasible.
Size structure
The population at LP exhibited a multimodal
size structure, notably featuring a substantial per-
centage of small individuals (25% of individuals
with a volume of 8.22 ± 1.60 ml, approximately
40 mm in height). Conversely, at PV, three modal
components were discerned, all representing larger
sizes (> 78 ml, approximately 90 mm in height).
In EC, modal components could not be identied
due to the limited number of individuals, but re-
cruits prevailed (74% of individuals with volumes
less than 12 ml, approximately 28 mm in height)
(Table 2).
Environmental variables
Temperatures ranged from 8.1 °C to 24.9 °C (Ta-
ble 3). In EC and PV, the highest temperatures were
recorded in February (EC: 22.9 °C, PV: 21.5 °C),
while the lowest occurred in August (EC: 9 °C, PV:
8.1 °C) (Appendix, Table A1). In LP, temperatures
exhibited a different pattern, with values exceeding
23 °C from November to February and the lowest
temperature occurring in July (9.1 °C). Salinity lev-
els differed as expected among the sites due to the
inuence of the Río Negro. The EC had the lowest
Table 1. Abundances of Magallana gigas in three sites on the northern coast of the Province of Río Negro (El Cóndor, El Pescadero,
Piedras Verdes) and Los Pocitos (Bahía Anegada, Province of Buenos Aires).
Density (ind. m-2)
Site Mean ± SD 95% CI
El Cóndor 1.8 10-3 ± 0.6 10-3 0.9 10-3-3.5 10-3
El Pescadero 9.2 10-2 ± 3.4 10-2 4.1 10-2-20.77 10-2
Piedras Verdes 1.35 10-2 ± 0.35 10-2 0.80 10-2-2.27 10-2
Los Pocitos 104.71 ± 1.35 61.22-201.05
Table 2. Mean volume, standard deviation (SD), number of individuals (N) and separation index (SI) of the modal components
(cohorts) identied for Magallana gigas populations in the studied sites.
Volume (ml)
Site Cohort Mean SD N SI
Los Pocitos C1 8.22 1.60 173 n. a.
C2 23.74 9.78 345 2.73
C3 41.38 13.51 315 2.01
C4 80.63 11.03 18 3.20
Piedras Verdes C1 78.46 17.25 19 n. a.
C2 114.64 7.83 11 2.89
C3 138.68 9.78 5 2.73
Marine and Fishery sciences 38 (2): xxx-xxx (2025)
salinity (25.6 ± 1.5), followed by PV (28.8 ± 1.0),
and LP (29.8 ± 1.2). In terms of suspended solids,
EC exhibited the highest values, with an average
of 400 mg l-1 (ranging from 170 to 1,103 mg l-1).
On the other hand, PV and LP displayed lower and
similar values, both in the range of approximately
200 mg l-1 (Table 3). Chlorophyll-a concentration
also followed this pattern of differences between
sites since they were signicantly correlated with
suspended solids (Pearson correlation coefcient =
0.81; p < 0.001).
Principal component analysis (for which the
variables chlorophyll-a and organic and inorganic
suspended solids were excluded due to their high
correlation with salinity and total suspended solids,
Appendix, Table A2) showed that the rst two com-
ponents together explained 69.2% of the data var-
iability (Table 4). The rst component was mainly
associated with the concentration of suspended
solids and salinity and allowed samples from EC
to be separated from those from the other two sites,
since these samples presented a higher concentra-
tion of total solids and a lower salinity (Figure 2).
The second component was mainly associated with
temperature and comprised the temporal (seasonal)
variability between samples.
Our study aimed to update essential population
data for the Pacic cupped oyster, M. gigas, along
the northern coast of Río Negro. Despite its initial
report 19 years ago (2004), its distribution con-
tinues to be restricted to the sector of the mouth
of the Río Negro and its vicinity. Its presence in
San Antonio Bay, 100 km west from the estuary,
suggests a separate introduction event, although
our data cannot denitively rule out natural dis-
persal. Current results show a notable abundance
difference between Bahía Anegada and Río Negro
populations. While BA maintains high densities
(105 ± 2 ind. m-2), RN populations exhibit signif-
Table 3. Annual means ± SD along with the number of monthly samples taken (in parentheses in the same line) of the measured environmental variables at
three locations along the Argentine maritime coast (Los Pocitos, El Cóndor, and Piedras Verdes) from October 2020 to November 2021. Maximum and
minimum values are displayed in parentheses below.
Suspended solids (mg l -1)
Site Temperature (°C) Salinity pH Total Inorganic Organic Chl-a (µg l-1)
Los Pocitos 18.0 ± 5.7 (13) 29.8 ± 1.2 (13) 8.21 ± 0.1 (13) 240 ± 180 (13) 210 ± 157 (13) 30.2 ± 22 (13) 2.25 ± 1.6 (13)
(9.1-24.9) (28.1-32.3) (7.9-8.4) (84-727) (72-633) (12-93) (0.18-5.38)
El Cóndor 16.7 ± 4.4 (13) 25.6 ± 1.5 (13) 8.20 ± 0.0 (13) 451 ± 231 (13) 400 ± 210 (13) 51.6 ± 22. (13) 8.87 ± 7.6 (14)
(9.0-22.9) (22.4-27.9) (8.1-8.4) (170-1,103) (152-1,003) (21-100) (1.27-28.67)
Piedras Verdes 16.4 ± 4.9 (12) 28.8 ± 1.0 (12) 8.21 ± 0.1 (12) 207 ± 70 (12) 182 ± 63 (12) 24.6 ± 8.9 (12) 3.70 ± 3.2 (13)
(8.1-23.3) (27.1-31.1) (7.9-8.4) (92-345) (84-305) (8-40) (0.73-10.07)
Hünicken et al.: Pacific cuPPed oyster in nortH Patagonia 9
icantly lower values (1.8 10-3 ± 0.6 10-3 ind. m-2).
The persistence of the species in the area, charac-
terized by low population densities and few modal
components in the size-frequency distribution, in-
dicates a pattern typical of peripheral populations.
Difculties in establishing the species may be due
to a combination of intrinsic population factors,
such as the Allee effect and the low gamete en-
counter rate, along with external factors such as
unfavorable environmental conditions. Even in
challenging environments, this latency stage has
resulted in signicant population growth in other
Table 4. Principal component analysis carried out from the environmental variables measured in the three study sites (Los Pocitos,
El Cóndor and Piedras Verdes). Correlation values between each independent variable and principal components (PC)
are shown. Additionally, descriptive statistical values for each principal component (standard deviation, proportion of the
variance explained, and accumulated variance) are included.
Temperature -0.01 0.83 0.30 0.46
pH -0.37 -0.31 0.87 -0.01
Salinity -0.64 0.40 -0.14 -0.64
Total suspended solids 0.67 0.22 0.36 -0.62
Standard deviation 1.25 1.10 0.93 0.60
Variance ratio 0.39 0.30 0.22 0.09
Variance accumulated 0.39 0.69 0.91 1.00
Figure 2. Biplot of principal components analysis carried out with environmental variables surveyed in the three study sites: Los
Pocitos, El Cóndor, and Piedras Verdes. TSS: total suspended solids.
Pc1 (38 9% explained variance).
Pc2 (30 3% explained variance).
-1 Sites
El Cóndor
Los Pocitos
Piedras Verdes
Marine and Fishery sciences 38 (2): xxx-xxx (2025)
parts of the world. However, the unpredictable na-
ture of the population trajectory of M. gigas pre-
vents future projections. Therefore, annual moni-
toring of populations is suggested as a useful tool
for assessing population trends in this area.
The establishment of a new population of M. gi-
gas at a given location depends on the successful
completion of several stages: larval production,
larval transport, initial settlement, and subsequent
survival (Dolmer et al. 2014). Environmental con-
ditions, particularly salinity and temperature, play
a crucial role in these stages of establishment, as
does the availability of settlement substrata. Ga-
metogenesis initiates at 10 °C with salinities rang-
ing from 15 to 32, while gamete release occurs at
16 °C between salinities of 23 and 28 (Dolmer et al.
2014). Within this study area, salinity and temper-
ature fall within these ranges (Table 3). As a result,
individuals can complete their reproductive cycle
once established, as previously conrmed in the
area by Roche et al. (2010).
Additionally, food availability (indicated by
chlorophyll-a concentration and the composition
of algal community) inuences the entire process
(Brown 1988; Brown and Hartwick 1988). Chloro-
phyll-a concentrations along the coast of the Prov-
ince of Río Negro were similar or even exceeded
those in Bahía Anegada, and suspended organic
solids (a food source for suspension feeders like
oysters; Brown 1988; Mitchell 2001) were higher,
reecting that food availability is not a limiting
factor. However, high concentrations of suspended
inorganic solids reduce ltration efciency and can
damage the gills (Dutertre et al. 2009; Barille et
al. 2011). Laboratory experiments showed that M.
gigas ceases ltration activity above 196 mg l-1, but
there are wild populations in areas with even higher
solid concentrations, resulting in changes of oys-
ter´s internal organs (gills and palps) and reduced
ltering efciency (Dutertre et al. 2009). In France,
for instance, noticeable effects from suspended sol-
ids occur at concentrations of 156 mg l-1, while
environments with concentrations of 600 mg l-l
are considered highly turbid for oyster farming
(Dutertre et al. 2009). In El Cóndor, mean annual
values exceeding this threshold were found. This
suggests that the concentrations in El Cóndor could
indeed pose challenging conditions for the growth
of oysters.
Other factors such as substrate availability and
hydrological conditions impact oyster larval set-
tlement and growth (Pogoda et al. 2011; Graham
et al. 2020). For instance, Guy and Roberts (2010)
showed that strong currents and wave energy ac-
tion could potentially dilute and ush away oyster
larvae before they have the opportunity to settle on
substrates. Information about hydrodynamic con-
ditions in the area is limited, and this aspect has
generally received little attention concerning oyster
reefs formation. The scarce information available
indicates that the Río Negro estuary and nearby
zone experiences semidiurnal tides with average
amplitudes of 2.84 m and maximum amplitudes
of 4.31 m (SHN 2023), with tide currents rang-
ing from 3.7 to 9.3 km h-1, predominantly owing
in northeast or southwest directions (del Río et
al. 1991; Isla and Bertola 2003). In contrast, the
Bahía Anegada area, specically Los Pocitos site,
has comparatively smaller tidal amplitudes, wave
heights, and periods, measuring 1.61 m, 0.1 m,
and 5 s, respectively (Isla and Bertola 2003; SHN
2023). This suggests that hydrological conditions
in the estuary may pose greater challenges for oys-
ter establishment compared to Bahía Anegada, al-
though more targeted studies would be required to
verify this hypothesis.
The size structure at Los Pocitos displayed sever-
al modal components, with a signicant proportion
of juveniles, suggesting frequent recruitment events
and a periodically replenished population. In con-
trast, few modes were observed at sites close the
southern distribution limit within the Province of
Río Negro, such as in Piedras Verdes, or no modal
components could be distinguished due to a low
number of individuals, such as in El Cóndor. In
Piedras Verdes, collected individuals were mostly
large, indicating the absence of recent successful
recruitments. In contrast, El Cóndor showed a pre-
Hünicken et al.: Pacific cuPPed oyster in nortH Patagonia 11
dominance of small individuals, indicating recent
recruitment. Latency periods have been document-
ed in several regions worldwide (Wehrmann et al.
2000; Robinson et al. 2005; among others) marked
by sporadic recruitment, as seen in Germany with
over 18 years and 6 successful recruitment events
(Holm et al. 2015). When reproductive success is
inconsistent and population trends are unpredicta-
ble, with years of decline followed by occasional
increases, it is referred to peripheral population dy-
namics (Lewis et al. 2022). Outlying populations of
M. gigas at the southern edge of their range are sus-
ceptible to population decline and potential extirpa-
tion due to ongoing changes in climate and habitat,
coupled with a low recruitment rate. Nevertheless,
it is plausible that low detectability poses a common
challenge when researching these peripheral popu-
lations, rendering abundance estimates less precise.
Finally, it is worth noting the record of the pres-
ence of the species in San Antonio Bay, represent-
ing the rst report within San Matías Gulf. Given
the great distance between this site and the closest
ones with the presence of the oyster, and the pre-
vailing eastward currents along San Matías Gulf
northern coast, the arrival of larvae by drift seems
unlikely. This hypothesis is further supported by
multiple factors: the considerable geographical
distance (100 km west from the estuary), the pop-
ulation decline in the estuarine area (evidenced by
its absence from previously occupied sites like El
Espigón and La Lobería), and the low population
density near the river mouth. Sampling was con-
ducted in San Antonio Este port, identied as the
site with the highest likelihood of invasive species
occurrence in San Antonio Bay. This has been at-
tributed to the regional marine trafc, where nu-
merous invasive species have been detected in bal-
last water and through biofouling (Schwindt et al.
2014). Another potential source could be a former
at oyster (O. puelchana) farming operation that
was abandoned around 20 years ago, and where
bags containing illegally introduced M. gigas were
discovered (RG, MN pers observ.). This venture
was located 600 m of the site where oysters were
found, and it is unknown whether it allowed the
establishment of breeding individuals in a nearby
area that would eventually generate recruitment in
San Antonio Bay. In this specic area, six 50-m
transects were covered and only three adhered indi-
viduals were discovered. As a precautionary meas-
ure, it is recommended to conduct yearly moni-
toring to identify the existence of M. gigas and
assess its population trajectory, even if oysters are
not very abundant and their origin is unknown. A
study examining mollusk larvae currents and drift
could be benecial in identifying areas with high
chances of species establishment, enabling efforts
to be concentrated in those regions.
Given the current low abundance and limited
dispersal of M. gigas in the Province of Río Negro,
this early invasion stage presents an opportunity for
implementing preventive control measures. While
complete eradication may be challenging, targeted
removal in key areas, particularly near protected
reserves, could help manage population growth.
Previous studies have shown that early intervention
in non-native oyster populations can be effective
(Guy and Roberts 2010). Based on our ndings of
concentrated populations near El Cóndor and Pie-
dras Verdes, we recommend focusing monitoring
and removal efforts in these areas. Additionally,
considering the speciesʼ proven ability for rapid
growth in other invaded areas, the establishment of
an early warning system through regular surveys
could help detect and respond to sudden population
We thank to Tony Brochado and Marcos Brocha-
do Cabarrou for their assistance in diving surveys,
to Raúl Cardón for his support in the initial surveys
at El Condor, and to Guillermo Frías for his collab-
oration in the sampling in El Pescadero. This study
funded by a post-doctoral fellowship awarded to
LH by CONICET and was supported by grants
Marine and Fishery sciences 38 (2): xxx-xxx (2025)
from the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones
Científcas y Técnicas, Argentina (PIP CONICET
112-201501-00465CO); the Agencia Nacional de
Promoción Cientíca y Tecnológica (ANPCyT),
Argentina (PICT-2018-03107) to MN; and PADI
Foundation (PADI-2021-68836) to LH.
Author contributions
Leandro A. Hünicken: conceptualization; meth-
odology; investigation; formal analysis; writ-
ing-original draft; visualization funding acquisition.
Raúl González: conceptualization; methodology;
investigation; resources; writing-review and edit-
ing; supervision; project administration; funding
acquisition. Dennis Landete: investigation. Maité
A. Barrena: investigation. Juan F. Saad: formal
analysis; resources; writing-review and editing.
Maite A. Narvarte: conceptualization; methodol-
ogy; investigation; resources; writing-review and
editing; supervision; project administration; fund-
ing acquisition.
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Marine and Fishery sciences 38 (2): xxx-xxx (2025)
Table A1. Values of environmental variables measured in the three study sites where the presence of the oyster Magallana gigas
was detected. TSS: total suspended solids; TIS: total inorganic solids; TOS: total organic solids; Chl-a: chllorophyl-a.
Site Date Temp pH Salinity TSS TIS TOS Chl-a
(°C) (mg l-1) (mg l-1) (mg l-1) (µg l-1)
Piedras Verdes 11/18/2020 19.2 7.88 ± 0.02 28.73 ± 0.10 92 ± 22 84 ± 22 8 ± 2 1.69 ± 0.68
12/16/2020 18 8.30 ± 0.00 30.08 ± 0.11 260 ± 17 224 ± 19 35 ± 3 2.54 ± 1.03
01/28/2021 20.3 8.09 ± 0.17 28.58 ± 0.06 255 ± 18 223 ± 17 31 ± 2 9.56 ± 2.54
02/24/2021 21.5 8.41 ± 0.00 28.61 ± 0.62 170 ± 8 150 ± 5 20 ± 5 3.65 ± 0.52
03/18/2021 18.5 8.28 ± 0.02 27.17 ± 0.12 345 ± 3 305 ± 21 40 ± 0 10.0 ± 2.22
04/13/2021 17.8 8.19 ± 0.01 28.03 ± 0.02 237 ± 3 208 ± 3 28 ± 3 3.17 ± 0.41
05/14/2021 13.7 8.15 ± 0.04 28.61 ± 0.61 165 ± 5 143 ± 5 21 ± 2 2.72 ± 1.36
06/16/2021 10.6 8.20 ± 0.02 28.98 ± 0.08 146 ± 6 126 ± 4 20 ± 4 2.64 ± 0.65
07/15/2021 9.3 8.19 ± 0.05 29.14 ± 0.04 136 ± 4 120 ± 4 16 ± 0 2.79 ± 0.57
08/12/2021 8.1 8.2 ± 0.02 27.99 ± 2.21 185 ± 8 161 ± 10 24 ± 4 7.25 ± 1.36
09/15/2021 12 8.35 ± 0.04 28.05 ± 0.26 126 ± 8 114 ± 6 12 ± 4 0.90 ± 0.31
10/27/2021 17.3 8.27 ± 0.02 29.50 ± 0.25 273 ± 5 253 ± 5 20 ± 0 0.72 ± 0.31
11/26/2021 23.3 8.36 ± 0.00 31.1 ± 0.36 220 ± 43 190 ± 43 30 ± 0 0.36 ± 0.31
El Condor 10/21/2020 14.7 8.26 ± 0.00 24.66 ± 0.49 386 ± 58 343 ± 55 43 ± 3 10.7 ± 2.23
11/18/2020 18.5 8.09 ± 0.04 25.46 ± 0.11 1,103 ± 102 1,003 ± 92 100 ± 1 28.6 ± 1.74
12/16/2020 18.1 8.38 ± 0.00 26.58 ± 0.10 356 ± 5 306 ± 5 50 ± 1 17.9 ± 1.09
01/28/2021 20.09 8.12 ± 0.01 27.04 ± 0.01 416 ± 23 360 ± 17 56 ± 5 8.52 ± 1.66
02/24/2021 22.9 8.32 ± 0.00 27.01 ± 0.19 170 ± 5 151 ± 2 18 ± 2 3.55 ± 1.08
03/18/2021 19.2 8.13 ± 0.01 22.4 ± 0.09 600 ± 45 523 ± 40 76 ± 5 15.6 ± 2.17
04/13/2021 19.6 8.07 ± 0.01 23.84 ± 0.08 526 ± 35 473 ± 30 53 ± 5 11.7 ± 1.79
05/14/2021 15.3 8.20 ± 0.02 24.46 ± 0.36 410 ± 51 363 ± 40 46 ± 1 3.47 ± 1.45
06/16/2021 11.6 8.25 ± 0.02 24.47 ± 0.19 376 ± 11 330 ± 10 46 ± 5 3.62 ± 0.51
07/15/2021 9.1 8.20 ± 0.01 27.86 ± 0.01 226 ± 15 205 ± 16 21 ± 2 2.98 ± 0.33
08/12/2021 9 8.26 ± 0.00 26.79 ± 0.07 576 ± 12 504 ± 10 72 ± 2 8.76 ± 0.26
09/15/2021 14 8.26 ± 0.01 26.09 ± 0.04 370 ± 20 326 ± 25 43 ± 5 4.66 ± 1.94
10/27/2021 18.3 8.25 ± 0.03 26.33 ± 0.09 313 ± 5 280 ± 10 33 ± 5 1.27 ± 0.41
11/26/2021 21.3 8.10 ± 0.00 26.7 ± 0.09 410 ± 10 356 ± 15 53 ± 5 2.54 ± 0.62
Los Pocitos 10/21/2020 17.2 8.19 ± 0.01 29.81 ± 0.03 151 ± 5 128 ± 6 22 ± 1 1.63 ± 0.47
11/18/2020 24.2 7.88 ± 0.03 30.46 ± 0.06 144 ± 8 128 ± 8 16 ± 0 2.99 ± 1.69
12/16/2020 23.1 8.33 ± 0.00 30.21 ± 0.05 390 ± 26 340 ± 26 50 ± 0 3.74 ± 2.12
01/28/2021 23.1 8.38 ± 0.01 32.28 ± 0.02 84 ± 1 71 ± 1 12 ± 2 2.79 ± 1.90
02/24/2021 22.9 8.06 ± 0.02 30.73 ± 0.02 726 ± 37 633 ± 41 93 ± 5 3.62 ± 3.27
03/18/2021 19.5 8.19 ± 0.01 30.42 ± 0.65 373 ± 15 330 ± 10 43 ± 5 5.38 ± 0.53
Hünicken et al.: Pacific cuPPed oyster in nortH Patagonia 17
Table A1. Continued
Site Date Temp pH Salinity TSS TIS TOS Chl-a
(°C) (mg l-1) (mg l-1) (mg l-1) (µg l-1)
04/13/2021 20.3 8.15 ± 0.01 29.74 ± 0.12 253 ± 17 222 ± 10 31 ± 7 3.90 ± 0.56
05/14/2021 14.8 8.20 ± 0.03 30.06 ± 0.02 113 ± 2 100 ± 4 13 ± 2 0.48 ± 0.83
06/16/2021 9.9 8.25 ± 0.02 28.2 ± 0.07 124 ± 4 104 ± 8 20 ± 4 0.78 ± 0.45
07/15/2021 9.1 8.24 ± 0.02 28.42 ± 0.14 101 ± 2 89 ± 2 12 ± 0 0.24 ± 0.27
08/12/2021 9.4 8.23 ± 0.00 28.09 ± 0.06 200 ± 10 178 ± 10 21 ± 2 2.72 ± 0.81
09/15/2021 16 8.32 ± 0.02 28.67 ± 0.00 125 ± 2 110 ± 2 14 ± 2 0.18 ± 0.18
10/27/2021 24.9 8.37 ± 0.01 31.06 ± 0.01 340 ± 17 296 ± 5 43 ± 1 0.82
Table A2. Correlation matrix showing relationships between physicochemical parameters and chlorophyll-a in the three study
sites where the presence of the oyster Magallana gigas was detected (Los Pocitos, El Cóndor and Piedras Verdes). Values
represent Pearson’s correlation coefcients (r). NA: indicates no correlation was calculated. TSS: total suspended solids;
TIS: total inorganic solids; TOS: total organic solids; Chl-a: chlorophyll-a.
Temperature pH Salinity TSS TIS TOS % TIS % TOS Chl-a
Temperature 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
pH NA 1 0.12 -0.2 -0.2 -0.16 -0.24 0.24 -0.15
Salinity NA 0.12 1 -0.47 -0.47 -0.43 -0.23 0.23 -0.58
TSS NA -0.2 -0.47 1 1 0.96 0.16 -0.16 0.81
ISS NA -0.2 -0.47 1 1 0.95 0.18 -0.18 0.82
OSS NA -0.16 -0.43 0.96 0.95 1 -0.05 0.05 0.74
% ISS NA -0.24 -0.23 0.16 0.18 -0.05 1 -1 0.15
% OSS NA 0.24 0.23 -0.16 -0.18 0.05 -1 1 -0.15
Chl-a NA -0.15 -0.58 0.81 0.82 0.74 0.15 -0.15 1