Numerous marine ecosystems are subjected to
the influence of natural light regimes that modu-
late both the behavior of the species inhabiting
them as well as their interactions across trophic
levels (Davies et al. 2016). These light regimes
determine critical aspects, such as the timing and
success of predatory activity, consequently
impacting the prey’s ability to escape (Garratt et
al. 2019). However, the use of artificial light
sources by humans to carry out their activities is
altering natural conditions even in the marine
environment. These sources of artificial light at
night (ALAN) range from temporary lights used
for navigation and fishing, through intermittent
ones produced by lighthouses, to permanent ones,
such as those emitted by oil rings and cities on the
coast (Davies et al. 2014), due to the constant
illumination of residences, walks, piers and mari-
nas (Garratt et al. 2019). This growing anthropic
pressure is increasingly threatening key ecologi-
cal processes shaping these ecosystems (Lui-
jendijk 2018) and, in particular, intertidal and
shallow subtidal habitats. They provide various
ecosystem goods and services, such as tourism
and recreation, raw material production, coastal
protection and erosion control, nutrient cycliza-
tion, water purification and carbon sequestration
(Barbier et al. 2011).
In particular, herbivorous sea urchins play a
fundamental role in shallow subtidal marine envi-
ronments, both as grazers by limiting algal bio-
mass, and as prey of organisms belonging to dif-
ferent species, such as fish, crustaceans, starfish,
otters and humans (Pearse 2006). Changes in
their density can lead to sudden, persistent and
large variations in the structure and functioning
of the ecosystem in which they live (regime
shifts), as in the case of the transformation of
macroalgal forests into barrens or habitats domi-
nated by algal felts (Benedetti-Cecchi et al.
1998). These habitats represent alternative states
of the same system: the macroalgal forest is
extremely productive because it accumulates a lot
of biomass and maintains a high specific diversity
within it; on the contrary, felts and barrens repre-
sent less diversified systems and accumulate less
biomass (Stewart and Konar 2012; Filbee-Dexter
and Scheibling 2014). Specifically, the sea urchin
Paracentrotus lividus represents a model organ-
ism used for a long time in different fields of
study of biology, such as immunology (Pinsino
and Alijagic 2019), ecotoxicology (Macedo et al.
2017), development (Romancino et al. 2017),
biochemistry (Karakostis et al. 2016) and ecology
(Boarda et al. 2017). Thanks to these studies,
many aspects of this species are known at differ-
ent levels of biological organization and therefore,
theoretically, it should be easier for researchers to
develop hypotheses to test and carry out studies
supported by previous knowledge acquired. In
addition, P. lividus represents a species of com-
mercial interest and potentially at risk due to over-
fishing by humans (Ceccherelli et al. 2011). In
Italy its capture is regulated by the Ministerial
Decree of 1995 which establishes the size, period
and quantities permitted (MRAAF 1995).
Factors influencing the activity of sea urchins
are varied, including hydrodynamics, food avail-
ability and the presence of predators (Benedetti-
Cecchi et al. 1998), but also harvest by humans
for food purposes (Farina et al. 2020). Herbivo-
rous sea urchins carry out most of their activities
at night (Dee et al. 2012) and it makes them the-
oretically more influenced by ALAN than other
strictly diurnal organisms. In fact, during the day
sea urchins remain safe from possible predators
in shelters in the crevices among the rocks, while
at night they come out to feed (Hereu 2005).
Depending on the species of sea urchin, reactions
to different daylight intensities include color
change, ambulacral pedicel reactions, and hiding
in shelters (Millott 1976). In addition, photoperi-
od variations have been shown to affect the repro-
duction of sea urchins, such as P. lividus (Shpigel
42 MARINE AND FISHERY SCIENCES 37 (1): 41-52 (2024)