means which conforms to the Central Limit Theo-
rem making the assumption of normality not too
critical, and the same reasoning used for H’ might
have been applied to the J’ lack of homoscedastic-
ity compliance. Hence, the non-parametric option
(i.e. Kruskal-Wallis) was performed as an aca-
demic exercise only, because it is sensitive to
departures from homoscedasticity (Underwood
1997). Noteworthy, Kruskal-Wallis runs only as a
one-way therefore two tests were performed one
for Qs and the second one for sites. A Tukey Hon-
est Significant Difference (Tukey hereafter) test
was performed when ANOVA indicated signifi-
cant differences to identify the Qs responsible for
them (Zar 1996). Note as there are only two sites
the software does not perform this test for that
variable and issues a warning, but the difference
indicated by the ANOVA remains and therefore
can be determined from the mean values. All para-
metric statistics were performed with SPSS v27.
A total of 32 fishes (Table 1) yielded 15,880
individuals collected during the year of sampling,
74.3% of them captured at HB. Anchoa mitchilli,
Cyprinodon variegatus, Lagodon rhomboides,
and Micropogonias undulatus were present year-
round at both sites (Table 1). Fishes’ richness in
HB was 29 with ten species only present there,
while SB had 22 species, three occurring only at
SB (Table 1). Species richness varied also by Q
ranging from 12-16 fishes at HB with 12 species
occurring in a single Q, while the range for SB
was 8-14 fishes with also 12 species occurring in
a single Q (Table 1).
Similarity of fishes yielded two major clusters
separating at 40.2%, one cluster included Q2 from
both sites as well as Q3 at HB, all other similari-
ties occurred in the second cluster (figure not
shown); however, both clusters were not signifi-
cantly different from one another. Quarters were
not significantly different from one another as per
ANOSIM (R =0.417, p =0.114) supporting the
SIMPROF test. Separation of Q2 was also depict-
ed by the nMDS, with Q3 at HB in between the
remaining groups (Figure 2). Similarity among
samples ranged from 24.4 to 77.4%, with Qs 1 and
4 at SB being the more similar to one another; and
Qs 2 and 4 at SB being more dissimilar from each
other. Overall, seven or 12 fishes were needed to
explain >90% of the similarities: L. rhomboides,
A. mitchilli, M. undulatus, S. ocellatus, Eucinosto-
mus gula, Lutjanus griseus, and Brevoortia
patronus explained the similarities between Qs 1
and 4 at SB, while L. rhomboides, A. mitchilli, C.
variegatus, B. patronus, Hippocampus sp., Mugil
cephalus, Lutjanus griseus, Bairdiella chrysoura,
Opsanus beta, Synodus foetens, Hemiramphus
brasiliensis, and Fundulus grandis explained sim-
ilarities between Qs 2 and 4 at SB.
Mean ±standard deviation fishes’ richness at
HB ranged from 3.27 ±1.94 to 6.75 ±1.81, while
at SB the range was from 2.75 ±1.04 to 3.47 ±
1.46. There were significant differences between
sites (F0.05 (1,121) =60.66, p <0.001) with HB hav-
ing greater richness than SB, and among Qs
(F0.05 (3,121) =6.47, p <0.001) (Figure 3 A). The
Tukey test indicated Q4 at HB was significantly
lower than the other 3 Qs, which were not differ-
ent from one another; while at SB Q4 was signif-
icantly larger than all other Qs, which were not
significantly different among (Figure 3 A). How-
ever, but as expected, the interaction effect was
also significant (F0.05 (3,121) =8.86, p <0.001).
Fishes’ abundances (mean ±standard devia-
tion) ranged from 84.73 ±95.24 to 268.00 ±
248.33 at HB, and from 29.00 ±25.80 to 93.80 ±
38.26 at SB (Figure 3 B). Holly Beach had a sig-
nificantly larger number of individuals (log10
transformed) than SB (F0.05 (1,121) =19.25, p <
0.001), significant differences also occurred
among Qs (F0.05 (3,121) =5.79, p =0.001), and the
interaction between sites and Qs (F0.05 (3,121) =
14.00, p <0.001). At both sites, Qs 1, 2, and 4
were not significantly different from one another,
154 MARINE AND FISHERY SCIENCES 36 (2): 149-163 (2023)