juveniles were obtained from the Bureau of Fish-
eries and Aquatic Resources-Guiuan Marine
Fisheries Development Center (BFAR-GMFDC)
sea cucumber hatchery facility. To get the initial
weight, juveniles were photographed with scale
reference and length was measured using CPCE
V4.1 software. Body weight values were then
derived using the equation, W =0.000614*L2.407
(Purcell and Agudo 2013). Juveniles were then
packed in transparent polyethylene plastic bags
filled with seawater at 1,000 juveniles per bag.
Oxygen was pumped into each bag before closing
it tightly with a rubber band, and then transported
in a boat to the study sites in Maliwaliw Island,
and Buyayawon. Maliwaliw and Buyayawon are
approximately 8.74 and 6.15 nm away from the
BFAR-GMFDC hatchery, respectively. Juveniles
were acclimatized in situ for 5 min before they
were slowly poured out of the plastic bags into
each hapa net. Each net was stocked with 1,000
Mean weight, average growth rate (AGR), and
survival of stocked juveniles were monitored on
day 30 (D30) and 60 (D60). Average growth rate
(AGR) was calculated as the difference in the
final average weight and initial average weight
divided by the number of rearing days (Altamira-
no and Noran-Baylon 2020). Biomass was com-
puted as the ratio of the product of the number of
survival and mean weight divided by the bottom
area of the hapa. Survival of juveniles was moni-
tored by counting all surviving juveniles on D30
and D60. To avoid biofouling, nets were cleaned
every 15 d. Nets were replaced with precondi-
tioned nets on D30.
Growth and survival data among net designs
were analyzed using IBM* SPSS* Statistics Ver-
sion 21. Prior to analysis, all measurements and
computed data (e.g. AGR, biomass) were tested
for normality using Shapiro-Wilk Test (p>0.05).
The effect of site and hapa net layers on sandfish
mean weight, AGR, survival, and biomass on
D30 and D60 were analyzed using two-way
ANOVA. Where significant differences were
found, Tukey HSD was used as post-hoc test.
Where there is a statistically significant interac-
tion effect found (p<0.05), a simple main effects
analysis was carried out using the SPSS Statistics
syntax. Data on the conventional hapa for both
sites were excluded from the analysis since Mali-
waliw has missing hapa replicates due to
Typhoon Surigae.
On D30, DL had the highest mean wet weight
at Site 1 (2.38 ±0.69 g) and Site 2 (1.01 ±0.02 g)
(Figure 3). In contrast, SL recorded the lowest
mean weight at Site 1 (1.84 ±0.17g) and in TL at
Site 2 (0.89 ±0.11 g). However, results did not
significantly differ among net designs (p=
0.458). At D60, SL recorded the highest mean
weight in both Sites 1 (11.68 ±4.78 g) and 2 (9.87
±9.15 g), while TL recorded the least in both
Sites 1 (4.23 ±1.53 g) and 2 (4.71 ±0.55 g). Sta-
tistical analysis did not show significant differ-
ences among net designs (two-way ANOVA, p>
0.05). The mean weight of the surviving juveniles
in CH was 2.02 g, but from 1 hapa net only as two
of the CH nets were overturned during typhoon
Surigae (Bising) prior to D30 monitoring. At Site
2, the mean weight of juveniles in CH (0.93 ±
0.14 g) was second highest to DL, but differences
were not significant to all mosquito net designs.
With respect to location, Site 1 had significantly
bigger sandfish (2.04 ±0.46 g) on D30 regardless
of net design (p<0.05), but did not significantly
differ from Site 2 on D60.
Similar to the mean weight, significant differ-
ences of AGR between sites were found on D30
only. At Site 1, AGR of juveniles was highest in
DL followed by CH, while SL and TL had same
values. At Site 2, all mosquito net designs includ-
ing CH had the same AGR values (0.03 g day-1).
At D60, SL and DL had the highest AGR (0.19 g
day-1), while TL (0.07 g day-1) recorded the low-