Higher phosphate values were recorded in the
wet season than in the dry season, which is in
contrast with the findings of Chinda and Braide
(2001), who reported higher phosphate in the dry
season. This may be ascribed to the higher bio-
mass of phytoplankton and epiphyton in the wet
season. Natural inputs from decay of organic mat-
ter might be a contributor to the high phosphate
levels in this estuary. Davies et al. (2009) and
Davies (2013) recorded a higher nitrate value in
the dry season than in the wet season, which is in
line with the finding of this study and might be
ascribed to high anthropogenic inputs. Nitrate
does not pose a health threat, but it is readily
reduced to nitrite by the enzyme nitrate reductase,
which is widely distributed and abundant in both
plants and microorganisms (Glidewell 1990).
Abowei et al. (2012) reported algae families
including Baccillariophyceae, Dinophyceae,
Chlorophyceae, and Cyanophyceae along the shor
eline of Koluoma Creek in Bayelsa. Baccillario-
phyceae were the dominant and constituted 60%
of the phytoplankton biomass. Babu et al. (2013)
recorded 101 phytoplankton species on India’s
East-west coast, in which 76 species corresponded
to Bacillariophyceae, 17 to Dinophyceae, 5 to
Cyanophyceae, 2 to Chlorophyceae), and 1 to
According to Elliot (2010) the distribution pat-
tern of phytoplankton of Black Volta waters in
Ghana showed that all species, except two species
of Euglena sp. and Phacu spyrum (Eugleno-
phyceae), were fairly distributed in the four
hydrological seasons. He further stated that the
impoundment of Black Volta might, however, be
the main factor responsible for the discontinuous
seasonal distribution of Euglena sp. and P. spyrum
observed in the study. The result was similar to
other research indicating that Bacillariophyceae
were the dominant genera in water samples (Badsi
et al. 2012). Abubakar (2009) stated that in tropi-
cal regions, dry and rainy seasons showed distinct
fluctuations with an abundance of algae. Swann
(2006) reported that algae was among the reasons
for turbidity, as high turbidity during the rainy sea-
son was probably attributed to runoff. Iqbal et al.
(1990) reported that monthly variability in algal
population resulted in major seasonal disparity in
the physicochemical parameters in Hub Lake. The
higher abundance during the wet season was due
to nutrients and the water level at the time. This
finding is in contradiction to the results of this
study. Total density values decreased across sea-
sons, with 9.157 ×103cells l-1 and 8.907 ×103
cells l-1 recorded in the dry and the wet season,
respectively. Seasonal differences in algal abun-
dance in the dry season have also been reported by
Erondu and Chinda (1991) and Ogamba et al.
(2004) in the Niger delta. Indabawa and Abdullahi
(2004) also recorded higher algal cells in the dry
season than in the rainy season.
Diversity is dependent on key ecological prac-
tices such as competition, predation and succes-
sion, therefore, changes in these processes can
alter the species diversity index through modifi-
cations in evenness (Stirling and Wilsey 2001).
According to the classification of the Shannon-
Wiener index, if the diversity index is lower than
1, then biota communities would be regarded as
unstable, whereas a diversity index of 1-3 would
be considered moderately stable, and a value
higher than three would signify a stable or prime
condition (Mokoginta 2016). Shannon-Wiener
indices above three recorded in most of sampled
stations confirmed that these stations were mod-
erately stable and not under pollution stress, sug-
gesting that central Bonny estuary is relatively
vulnerable to environmental changes. Ofonmbuk
and Lawrence (2015) reported low Margalelf’s
diversity values from 2.871 to 3.513 in the Qua
Iboe estuary. This was similar to 2.93 reported by
Ogbuagu and Ayoade (2012), which is in agree-
ment with the findings of this study. This indicat-
ed that the harmful algal community was stable
among seasons in the study area. Minimal varia-
tions in the density of harmful algal species as
reflected by Shannon-Wiener, Pielous evenness,
and Margalef species richness, may be ascribed
398 MARINE AND FISHERY SCIENCES 35 (3): 387-402 (2022)