Arancibia, Hugo
Arreguín-Sánchez, Francisco
Babali, Nadhéra
Bochini, Gabriel
Bruno, Daniel
Cabreira, Ariel G.
Carranza, Alvar
Casas, Graciela
Chiaramonte, Gustavo
Concha, Francisco
Croce, María Emilia
Cubillos, Luis
de la Cruz Aguero, José
de Tarso da Cunha Chaves, Paulo
Delgado, Ana Laura
Delgado Blas, Víctor Hugo
Díaz Cano, Marlenny
Díaz de Astarloa, Juan M.
Elvira, Myriam
Fernández Cartes, Víctor Hugo
Ferreira e Cunha, Amanda
Figueroa, Daniel
Firpo, Carla
Giberto, Diego A.
Giussi, Analía R.
Gómez, Samuel
Gorini, Federico
Gosztonyi, Atila
Hernández Alcántara, Pablo
Herrera Seitz, Karina
Lillo Vega, Sergio
Llanes Iglesias, José
López Cazorla, Andrea
Lovrich, Gustavo
Muelbert, José H.
Murialdo, Silvia
Namiki Claudia
Palomo, María Gabriela
Payá Contreras, Ignacio
Perea Román, Críspulo
Pereira, Nair de los Ángeles
Pérez, Carlos D.
Puente Tapia, Alejandro
Quiroz Espinosa, Juan C.
Radovich, Violeta
Sanz Smachetti, María Eugenia
Suárez-Morales, Eduardo
Sutton, Stephen G.
Tascheri Oyaneder, Renzo
Velasco, Gonzalo
Vigliano, Pablo
Villalobos Ortiz, Héctor
Wiff Oneto, Rodrigo A.
Williams, Gabriela
Zabala, Soledad
The quality of the papers in this journal depends a great deal on the efforts of those who agree to act
as critical readers of manuscripts. Peer review is a crucial step in the scientific process that takes time for
which the Editorial Committee gratefully acknowledge the following people who helped us during 2020.
REV. INVEST. DESARR. PESQ. Nº 31: 5-17 (2017)