the same pattern was observed. In Santos (state of
São Paulo), in an inner region of the coast (Deck
do pescador), fifteen species were cited as target
by local recreational fishers, including Menticir-
rhus americanus (Linnaeus, 1758) and C. spixii
(Barrella et al. 2016). About 50 km to the south,
in the Plataforma Marítima de Pesca Amadora de
Mongaguá (state of São Paulo), about 55% of all
specimens caught were ariids, even though
Trichiurus lepturus was the main target (Alves
Junior et al. 2020). In sand beaches in southern
Paraná, Menticirrhus and ariids were the most
cited target by local recreational fishers, together
with at least eight other species (Henke and
Chaves 2017). In Cidreira (northern Rio Grande
do Sul), a large number of species was caught,
despite the dominance of sciaenids (Lewis et al.
1999). In Cassino Beach (southern Rio Grande do
Sul), differently from all these studies cited
above, recreational fishers are specialists target-
ing and catching mainly Menticirrhus spp.
(Basaglia and Vieira 2005). Even though a high
variety of species is caught by coastal recreation-
al fishers in Brazil, catches are usually dominated
by Menticirrhus and catfishes.
This study represents a further step towards
describing the coastal recreational fishery in
Ilhéus, providing historical information on the
demographics of its recreational fishers, their
fishing habits, and their catch rates. Considering
that recreational fisheries is a new research field
in Brazil, there are very few baseline studies
available in the country and the information pro-
vided here using data from 12 years ago could be
used to observe any changes. Thus, we noticed
that, at that time, on-site generalist recreational
fishers extracted around 1.4 t annually in Ilhéus.
Even though this estimate was low in relation to
commercial fisheries for the same period (about
110 t in 2005; CEPENE, 2007), it represents only
a partial portrait as nocturnal fisheries were
excluded from this analysis - no interview was
conducted between 6 pm and 6 am despite decla-
rations of some fishers about fishing during this
period (Figure 3). Similarly, catches from com-
petitive events, offshore activities, or spearfishing
were not included. Innovative ways of compiling
more complete information are required to better
describe recreational fisheries in Ilhéus and
Brazil as a whole in the near future. Despite the
increasing number of studies on recreational fish-
eries along the Brazilian coast, we are far from
properly covering even the most basic issues at
the national level, such as number of recreational
fisheries along the entire coast, main species
caught, and total catch.
Based on what was presented here, the first
question of the section entitled ‘resource monitor-
ing and data acquisition’, out of the 100 research
questions raised by Holder et al. (2020), ‘how do
we promote angler engagement in the provision of
reliable and accurate catch and effort informa-
tion?’, is valid for Brazil if we are to produce
catch statistics reflecting total extraction from
Brazilian marine waters. Modern tools are avail-
able to collect such information in a wider scale
and should be better explored and utilized here. If
we wait for local studies to be conducted along the
entire coast by a reduced number of researchers
working on recreational fisheries to be able to
accurately describe these Brazilian recreational
fisheries, it will take a long time to cover the entire
coast and all fishery types. Hence, we should start
thinking about mechanisms to better approach this
issue, perhaps by using all the technology current-
ly available to collect this information through
apps on a national scale, as we have already seen
in some isolated initiatives. In doing so, the recre-
ational sector could perform better than the com-
mercial sector in Brazil, for which the collection
of detailed catch statistics by species and state was
interrupted in 2007 (IBAMA 2007). Estimates of
Brazilian marine recreational catches produced by
Freire et al. (2020) could then be revisited in light
of a wider information base. Finally, recreational
fishers should understand the importance of
acquiring the fishing license and answer all ques-
tions that are part of the license in the best possi-