December) at the EPEA, and a secondary one in
late summer-early autumn period, which seems
to be related to the secondary anchovy peak
observed in autumn-winter. Although restricted
to October, the density of anchovy larvae also
had a maximum peak during spring and a sec-
ondary mode in March-May, somewhat shifted
in time with respect to the secondary mode of
eggs density. Results obtained at the EPEA are
similar to those indicated by Sánchez (1995),
except for the great abundance of eggs and lar-
vae found during winter in this present work.
This difference could be due to the high densities
registered in August 2004 and August 2010, typ-
ical of spring time.
South of 37° S, the distribution of anchovy
eggs and larvae has been related to the position of
a surface thermal front (Pájaro et al. 2008). This
front separates homogeneous coastal waters from
stratified waters of the middle shelf regime in the
vicinity of the 40-50 m isobaths, where the EPEA
is located. During years in which the position of
the front moves towards deep waters or is absent,
lower densities of eggs and larvae have been
observed. On the contrary, in years when the
frontal system was strong, densities of anchovy
eggs and larvae were higher (Pájaro et al. 2008).
Therefore, differences in the formation and posi-
tion of the front could be the cause of changes in
the abundance of eggs and larvae at the EPEA.
The inter-annual variation of eggs was very
high in seasons with the most intense spawning.
This may be related to the fact that the distribu-
tion of anchovy eggs and larvae is highly conta-
gious (Sánchez 1986). Therefore, this variation
could be due to a methodological problem, since
in some cases the sampling could have been done
in the center of the patch of organisms, and some-
times it could have carried out in its periphery.
However, to maximize the catchability of eggs
and larvae, samples were collected from near the
bottom (40 m) to the surface, since the relatively
close-to-surface distribution observed for E.
anchoita larvae seems typical of Clupeiforms
(Matsuura et al. 1992; Matsuura and Kitahara
1995; Castro et al. 2000; Spinelli et al. 2013;
Torquato and Muelbert 2014).
The lowest abundance of anchovy eggs was
detected in autumn, with statistical differences
between that season and spring. However, when
analyzing the larvae, no differences were found
between autumn and winter-spring, and the aver-
age autumn densities were even higher than those
of summer and winter. This could indicate that
the survival of larvae born in autumn would be
higher than that of larvae hatched in other seasons
of the year. However, to understand the cause of
this phenomenon other studies will be necessary,
including the abundance of food zooplankton
throughout the year and the presence of predators.
Several studies correlated egg and larval abun-
dance to zooplankton biomass (Viñas et al. 2002;
Twatwa et al. 2005; Somarakis and Nikolioudakis
2007; Zarrad et al.2012; Malavolti et al. 2018).
For example, a significant relationship was found
between the abundance of small copepods and the
abundance of anchovy eggs during the spring in
the coastal area of Buenos Aires Province (Viñas
et al. 2002). This relationship could have trophic
implications as these small copepod species pro-
duce eggs and nauplii in the optimum size range
of prey for first-feeding anchovy larvae (Viñas
and Ramírez 1996). Future integrative analyses
have to be performed to understand whether
spawning of E. anchoita in the EPEA area, with
high zooplankton concentrations, provides better
conditions to larval survival.
In this study we observed a wide range of tem-
peratures and salinities in which anchovy eggs
and larvae occurred, as previously indicated by
Ciechomski (1967b), Brewer (1976), Matsuura
and Kitahara (1995) and Torcuato and Muelbert
(2014). We did not find a clear pattern of egg and
larvae densities in relation to temperature or salin-
ity suggesting that thermal tolerance enables lar-
vae to exploit different habitats or seasons (Mat-
suura et al. 1992; Torcuato and Muelbert 2014).
On the Buenos Aires shelf (south of 37° S), there
136 MARINE AND FISHERY SCIENCES 34 (2): 123-142 (2021)